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Name: Emily Rose-Heather Asuka

Age: 14

Species: Fox

Fur Color: Tangerine orange and white

Eye Color: Scarlet

Skin Color: Fair

Crush: Loroco

Attire: Short hazelnut brown hair, wearing a white vest with a red collar, orange scarf, olive green short skirt, brown leather boots, silver gaunlets and a feather necklace from Loroco

Alignment: Good

Favorite Food: Sushi

Likes: Books, Birds, Loroco, solving crimes, talking to spirits, fireflies, playing her flute

Dislikes: Evil people, bullies, seeing her friends get hurt, dogs

Skills: Has the ability to see the good and evil in people and perform multiple summons.

Moves and Techniques: Will-O-Wisp, Exorcism, Phoenix's Flames, Fireball, Flame Wheel, Holy Fire, Burning Spirits, Hellion Fire, Dragon Heart, Fox Bite, Claw Attack, Seismic Throw

Ability Type: Speed

Also Known As: Foxy, Heather's Descendant

Relations: Junbee Rose Asuka (Mother), Unknown Father, Unknown little brother

Enemies: Her friend's enemies

Friends: Loroco (Best Friend)

Rivals: Lazura(Friend/Rival), Mephiles

About Her: Emily was a former classmate of Saphie's way back. She's an adept sorceress who likes to mingle with the good souls and drive away the evil ones. Her name was considered to be a curse, thus her strange, paranormal ability, yet she doesn't care. She would do anything to fulfill his father's wish, to become one of the most powerful spellcasters to exist on the planet. Along with her surprising familiar Loroco, she travels from one place to another to complete the legacy of her family.

Personality: Sly, quick-witted, cunning, courageous, generous, slightly clumsy, mild-tempered, open-minded, cautious, protective, sometimes paranoid

Weakness: Water and corrupting spirits

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