Loroco the Seagull

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Name: Loroco Bronko Aglise

Age: 15

Species: Seagull familiar

Feather Color: White and yellow, wing tips are black

Eye Color: Aqua

Skin Color: Pale

Crush: Emily Rose

Attire: Wears leather gloves with makeshift claws, an old hide sling bag and a leather belt with tools

Alignment: Good

Favorite Food: Sardines

Likes: Flying, making friends, the sea, music, quiet places, fishing

Dislikes: Shedding feathers, rotten fish, sharks, being a coward and weak

Skills: Specializes in magic and the element of lightning, his main choice of weapon is a pair of daggers. Extremely fast at flight.

Moves and Techniques: Screech, Silver Wing, Roar, Garuda's Eye, Steel Claw, Thunderstorm, Impundulu's Fury, Thunder Bolt, Purge, Other Lightning Abilities

Ability Type: Flight

Also known as: Chicken (by Eggman, Shadow and Scourge), Momoca , Lorlor (by Sonic, Saphie and Emily), Lomi (by Emily),

Relations: Other seagull familiars, unknown family

Enemies: His master's (Emily) enemies

Friends: Emily (Best Friend), Saphie (Friend)

Rivals: The shark familiars, Jose the Great White Shark

About Him: Loroco was just an ordinary seagull boy, who helps out his family while trying to avoid trouble with the shark people. Until on one fateful day, he was sent to train at a magic school to become a warrior. Turns out he can held the element of Lightning, a rare element that most of his people try to achieve.

Thus, after 3 years, he was a certified sorcerer. Then he met Emily Rose, at the time she was practicing her magic. The two became friends immediately and whenever he's called to fight, he will never leave her side.

Personality: Loroco's very friendly, kind and well behaved towards his friends. He's sometimes awkward and can be very timid at times but he's industrious and supportive. When a fight starts, he becomes serious, cautious and surprisingly calm towards his opponent. He's also protective, especially to Emily

Weakness: He hates to be near smoke and/or oil

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