Chapter 3.

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"We need to get you out of here," Drake yelled.

"Eunice, take them through the underground tunnels,I will meet you at the Derx Circle!"

We ran towards the tunnels on Eunice's lead leaving Drake behind.

"Is he going to be okay?"

Eunice snorted,"Have you met the guy?"

I ignored her and kept running.

We arrived at an opening thirty minutes later.
It was beautiful with flowers and grasses,it had a pond and the moonlight shone down making everything look so beautiful and magical.

"This is the Derx Circle," Eunice said staring at the moon.

"Mum, I need answers, I want to know what those creatures are,how you wielded a flaming sword from thin air and what is going!" I yelled frustrated.

She sighed and patted the floor near her.I sat down and she began her story.

"Hundreds of years ago,before life existed,a woman was said to be the only being on earth,she named herself 'unum tenebris'.

She roamed the earth for years lonely.One day,she created beings and gave them powers and ability to make their own creations.

These creatures were gods and titans,she gave them each a name.

Apollo,god of the sun, light,knowledge,music and poetry.
Ares,god of war.
Hades,god of riches and the underworld.
Hephaestus,god of fire.
Poseidon,god of the sea and protector of all waters.
Zeus,king of gods,the sky and weather.
Hera, goddess of fertility,marriage and child birth.
Eon,titaness of the dawn.
Perses,titan of destruction.
Nyx,goddess of the night and many other gods and titans.

She distributed her powers between all of them so they wouldn't be able to kill her.
Although Asteria,titan of nocturnal oracles and falling stars told her how her death was going to be.

She made some gods and Titans pure, she made some evil and the others neutral but she had control over them"

I rolled my eyes and interrupted my mum,"Mum,I didn't ask for Greek mythology,I asked for an explanation!"

She glared at me,

"You asked for an explanation and I am giving you one"

"Where does Greek mythology apply in my question?"

I stared at her blankly.

Eunice sighed and replied,
"You need to have a basic knowledge of where it all began before you can understand us."

I laughed out loud but they glared at me.

"Do you really expect me to believe Greek gods are real," I said between laughter.

"I think your past two events are enough for you to believe ,that is enough proof for you. The giant lizard and the woman at the store?"

I thought about it for a while and replied,

"Prove it"

Eunice rolled her eyes and put her hands forward and gradually light from the moon began to surround her.

It was like as if she was bending moonlight.The light kept flowing around her till it finally formed a ball on her palm and erupted into tiny particles.

I stared at her astonished and at loss of words.

"Can you do more?"

"Yes but we don't have much time left,you need to have a basic understanding before we can carry on" she replied

"I'm sorry for doubting you," I said staring at the ground.

Mum smiled at me, "It's okay,It is normal for you to doubt"
I smiled back at her.

Mum continued,

"She divided the earth into four, the land, the sky,the underworld and the waters.

She favoured four of her creatures and crowned them each over all four divisions.

Zeus was crowned the god of the sky Poseidon,the sea and Hades,the underworld.

She slaved the titans and gods for years using them for her own pleasure and enjoyment,they hated her but couldn't kill her so they formed a rebellion with Zeus leading it.

For thirty years, Hades gradually formed a pit in the deepest, darkest part of the underworld and named it Tartarus.
It was made to contain and weaken her but overtime it was also used for her followers.

Zeus and Apollo worked hand in hand to form light energy enough to blind her.

Poseidon created water with enough power to drown her.

Hecate,created sounds and music enough to deafen her.

Hephaestus,Ares with other gods and titans worked hand in hand to create fighting skills that will weaken her physically.

When the plan was fully formed and ripe,they set into action.

The fight with the 'unum tenebris' lasted for 56 years.

After the war,the gods and titans were happy and celebrated for a long time before they decided to choose a leader.

Zeus was chosen as the king of the gods since he led the rebellion.

His first act as a king was to choose his council to help him rule,he chose Hades,Poseidon,Hera,Asteria,Apollo,Hecate,Prometheus,Selene,Hephaestus and Nyx.

The earth was at peace and balanced for 100 years .Then the gods began to make their own creatures.

They were barren rendering Hera's childbirth powers useless but they could make creations with their magic.

Zeus was the only god who didn't make a creature because he was already the king of the gods.

Poseidon created mermaids,nymphs and other creatures of the sea,
Selene,goddess of the moon created werewolves,
Nyx,goddess of the night created vampires,
Hades created demons,dragons and his three headed dog Cerberus,
Apollo created the Phoenix and griffins,
Hecate goddess of witchcraft made witches and wizards,
Eon,titaness of the dawn created fairies and diwatas,
Perses,god of destruction created lizeareas and krake,
Prometheus created humans and many other gods made their creations.

Over time,some creations began to tarnish earth,destroying it's beauty and it began to depreciate.

Zeus commanded every god except the ones on the council to stop creating and to destroy all their creations,this was what led to the Millennia.

The Millennia is the war of the gods which lasted for one thousand years.

It was a dark time, gods and titans fighting against each other until the they divided.

Zeus went to the sky, Poseidon went to the sea, Hades went to the underworld,Apollo went to the sun and all other gods divided.

The gods and titans that rebelled and caused the war were four in total and were known as the oscuro,they lost the war and were thrown into Tartarus.

The four were Erebus,Perses,Thanatos and Chaos.
These four left their creations and kept them in hibernation.

Nine hundred and ninety nine years ago, Asteria got a revelation about the return of 'unum tenebrus' and a prophecy.

The council of the gods began to formulate a plan to keep her away for good but they did not know the prophecy because Asteria was about to tell the prophecy before she died".

I took it all in,trying to process it all and asked
"Mum,you have not said anything about the god of the land,who is he?"

"Theon,Theon is the god of the land."

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