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It's easy to say most things.

"Woah! Did you see that?"
"Wanna go see a movie?"
"Look over there!"
"I can't believe my eyes!"

     But.. what if you couldn't exactly see?
Would it drive you insane? Could you handle the devastating truth? Would you cry?

Sight is something we take for granted, do we not?

     Lance woke up to the deafening sound of his alarm. He groaned, reaching over to his desk, touching it until he found where his alarm was, eyes closed. He finally found it, and turned it off. The Cuban opened his eyes. The blurriness of light was there.. as always. This was normal for him.

     'Another day, another memory,' was what he thought in his head, getting out of bed with a long stretch to start the day. He reached out, feeling for his cane, which he always left on the right side of his bed.. oh wait. That was his left side. He gave a huff. It was way too early for this. Finally, Lance had managed to get a hold of his waking stick, smiling to himself before standing off from his bed.

     He did everything a normal teenage boy would do during the mornings on school days, getting dressed and fixing his hair up with some help from either senses he had.. The time had passed to the moment he was outside at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to arrive..

It was strange. The bus hadn't come during the long time it was supposed to be here by. What was going on?

     Hunk, his next door neighbor and one of his best childhood friends, ended up seeing the blind boy all ready for school right outside his window. He gave a small chuckle to himself before the Samoan opened his window. "Lance!" He called, getting the Cuban's attention.

     "It's the weekend!" Hunk chuckled, smiling at the now blushing boy. Lance was of course embarrassed, scratching his cheek. "O-oh!" He chuckled, face red.

     Hunk let his friend inside of his home, making sure to alert his mother through a message about his whereabouts. "This is the seventh time you've done this, Lance." Hunk chuckled, looking over to his friend that sat at the table opposite of him. Lance huffed, "Well, I forgot to turn my alarm off again.." he fiddled with his cane, slightly shuffling his feet as well.

     Hunk smiled brightly, a smile Lance couldn't see, but could definitely feel and sense.. He preferred the Samoan's smile anyday over everyone else's. It felt comforting. And the reason this was is because he felt that smile towards him every single second he was around Hunk.

"Would you like something to drink?" Asked Hunk.

"Yes please."

     Lance could hear everything Hunk did. The shuffling of his feet, the pouring and boiling of the water, the clinking the spoon making contact with the mug.. Ah, Hunk was making some tea. He didn't even need to ask, for he could smell it, too.

"Is that tea you're making?" Lance asked, the Samoan chuckling. "Yup! And it's your all time favorite with milk in it!" Hunk grinned brightly, setting his mug down with a small thud. Lance smiled, "Thanks man. I owe you one again for, y'know, reminding me." The Cuban giggled, testing the heat against the mug. It was hot, so he wouldn't take a sip just yet.

     "So, we're almost seniors.. huh?" Lance started off after they had finished their tea. Hunk smiled, his gaze almost loving at Lance. Yes, the Samoan had a crush on this boy for the longest of time now. "Yeah, it's pretty awesome, right? What do you think you're going to go for?" Hunk asked, referring to college and all that good stuff.

     Lance thought for a moment. "Huh.. I guess I haven't really thought about it.." he mumbled. Summertime was nearing and he needed to figure it out quickly. He let a small frown settle on his face..

Many jobs required sight.. and many courses for better jobs required sight as well.

Sight was something he didn't quite have.

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