11. The Facets of the Dreamworld

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"YOU IDIOTS!!" I screamed at a very shocked Quasar and a surprised Lysha. My breathing started to slow down as my calming instincts kicked in, but I managed to control it as I surveyed my current surroundings, suddenly seeing the ship's room for the first time. It was gray and dull, so I didn't think much of it, until Quasar made the most uneducated statement in the history of life.

"How were we supposed to know you were in a dead sleep!" Quasar returned defiantly, and I face-palmed with way too much vigor, causing a resounding slap throughout the room.

"I was talking to Supernova!" I cried, and after a few moments of silence, Quasar's eyes widened, and I noticed that even Lysha had a sense of something being weird. 

"That's-" Quasar paused. "That's impossible," he managed to choke out, and I nodded sagely, quickly recalling my slight lessons on dream-reading. "She shouldn't have been able to do that..." He sat down quietly, letting the idea take place in his mind.

"I know. But it happened," I said, trying to recall everything that had happened. "I had an armor of silver scales." For a minute, I took the time to remember all of the details. Those ancient voices. Creators. Who were they?

"Silver scales? Isn't that the sign of forgiveness?"

"Well, yeah... but why?" He shrugged as I went on. "And there were these GIANT guys with stars above their heads-"

"Stars?!" He gasped.


"Giant guys with stars above their heads? Were they standing in a void?"

"Yes! Why?" What could he possible know that I didn't? I tapped my foot impatiently as the charred Dream Agent took a few breaths in an attempt to steady his excitement.

"You were talking to the Eternals." Eternals. The name alone echoed indefinitely within the confines of my skull. EternalsEternalsEternals... 

"What are they?" Lysha asked from behind Quasar, and he collapsed onto the floor with a loud sigh.

"The Eternals made the Universe! They made the Multiscapers to protect it! They are literally our parents! HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS, RELATIVITY! YOU ARE A TIME TRAVELER!" I just stood in silence as he sighed again, but didn't get up. "Do I seriously need to explain this?"

"Well sorry that my race was evicted from all of your history classes!" I shouted, heating up a possible argument, but the flame died quickly as Quasar moved on.

"Anyways, in the very beginning, the age before time, there was only the Dreamworld. Nothing existed beyond it, between it, or before it. The Dreamworld had always been there, and assumed it would always be there for all of eternity." Lysha and I remained silent, already engrossed in the tale. "But, as everything knows, all must come to an end, so the Dreamworld made its successor: The Void. And finally, after living many eons alone and full of nothing but hopes and despairs, the Dreamworld died and left its power to the Void, causing a chain reaction of events that would cause the creation of our Universe.

"See, when the power was transferred to the Void, only a little bit of it actually flowed into the jar that was the infinite darkness. The rest crashed into the edges, fanning out and gathering and splitting once more. So, there the Void remained, powerless, as the world outside of it became a new reality, full of the ancient power of dreams. And thus, the Eternals were born from that power, but much happened before they came to create our dimension-"

"Hold on," I interrupted. "If the Dreamscape died, then how can you guys still get into it?"

"Shush! I'm getting to that!" He poked my foot, and I kicked him back lightly, earning a slight 'ow' in return. "Now, there is always a place where deleted things go, right?"

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