Piece By Piece

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she's just a girl an ordinary one at that.

nothing spectacular about her life but she don't mind.

she writes her feelings out on paper and later

turns it into a wonderful master piece

tired of all that has been said, tired of the past

repeating itself in her everyday life. she's not depressed

just sad...

a feeling that all teens feel from time to time.

she wants so much out of life, but sits back thinking to much

about time. she wants to prove others wrong but not sure


she doesn't want pity

so she replaces it with a genuine smile too bad she cant do

that on the inside.

the bolts in her heart have been stuck for a very long time

kind of like those old wound up clocks that stop when

the batteries run out, maybe her hope and love ran out

of time.

her trust has been broken and ripped up too many times

that she no longer knows the meaning of it anymore.

each day she tries her best to not break down in front

of others and finds success.

But in her room at night the only thing you'll hear

are her muffled cries because she doesn't

want the world to know, she's to embarrassed to

say the way she feels inside.

as the days passed by she no longer felt that need to cry

because the pain was filtering out from her heart into thin

air; the bolts in her heart slowly begin to turn because she

finally found what she's been looking for...

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