Someone else

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When you love someone you show them through words,  tell them how much they mean to you,
hold them close at two am cuddled up in sheets legs tangled in each others, if you can't touch them because they are across the world then you find every way possible to stay connected because they are your person. You go to them, You confide in them they aren't just any person they are yours its a bond that shouldn't be broken unless it has to.
When you cheat on the one person who made you feel as if you could do anything, the person who brought you up when your days were low, the one person who made this crazy life bearable just by their presence— You fucked up because in this life who knows if you'll ever find that again. You don't deserve that second chance, you don't deserve them because they were once waiting up for you losing sleep—but you were up doing someone else...

My poetry जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें