Introducing Lolita Fashion

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Ok, before we begin, I wanna introduce you briefly what Lolita fashion really is. Lolita  

(ロリータ・ファッション, rorīta fasshon) is a fashion from Japan that is highly influenced by children's clothing and styles from the Rococo period. It's known for it's cute or 'kawaii' style; this makes the fashion innocent, girly and fancy. Though its origin is unclear, its said that it first appeared on Japan at te 70's and 80's as a movement from women against the image society was giving them; we're talking of dependent women, housewife, sexualized women, etc. Women began dressing like this on street to show that women can do whatever they want, without depending on a husband or a sexy image.

Although Lolita fashion appeared first on the 70's and 80's, it began expanding through the rest of the world by the 90's. Its gothic style is the one that began expanding at first; but with time, more styles like sweet and classical grew too.

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