Stupid guys

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For a minute there I thought you were complaining about your sore vagina.

If you bitched anymore I would think it was that time of the month for you.

You remind me of a younger, dumber Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Guys like you are why girls turn lesbian.

Hold on, I'll go find you a tampon.

If I give you some Midol, will that shut you up?

[In your funniest, high pitched girly voice, as though you're imitating what they just said:] My pussy hurts!

I'd rather throw a puppy in a wood chipper than talk to you anymore.

Guys are like parking spots. All the good ones are taken, and the rest are handicapped.

Who let you out of your cage?

All I heard was, "Blah blah blah, I'm an asshole."

Out of millions of sperm, you were the fastest?

I really want to help, but I don't think they make extra strength Midol for men.

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