12 - Orientation

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On the western side of the palace was the school wing and the training yards. Every five years, young immortals come for several months, learning the history of their race, and the politics and culture of the greater supernatural community. Most importantly however, it prepared them for the Elysium Trials and Tournaments. The trials were an individual journey into Elysium, where many confronted their greatest fears and in the process, ignited supernatural powers. Team tournaments were an ancient tradition where these newfound powers were showcased. Long gone, were the days where combat training was necessary, yet the prestige from being the most skilled amongst their peers was still very much sought after and respected. And, since Eros bonding became mandatory for all females, their ancient parents, full of archaic mindsets, now saw the tournaments as the arena from which to woo their daughter's future warden. Though the parents didn't expect the pairings to love each other, Justice had always kept herself free from attachments in the hope that she might.

And, with the Winner's Choice it will be certain.

She smiled to herself at the thought as she walked with Riley down a long, arched corridor towards the school's main hall.

"So," said Justice drawing out the word. "Your birthday is soon?" She flashed a bright smile at the young girl with hopes she might relax and begin to talk. Considering the conversation that afternoon about the mother being put to trial soon, she wasn't sure she'd have much luck.

Riley umm'd and ahh'd for a moment, and Justice persisted. "Fourteen, right?"

"Yes. But— she wrung her hands together "— it was yesterday."


"Happy birthday?" she said with a half-laugh and then mentally berated herself for even trying to joke about it.

"Yeah, it was pretty sucky. Especially the getting-slapped-in-the-face, bit today." There was a wry smile that didn't hide a slight sparkle in her eye.

She groaned, but felt better that Riley seemed to be taking things well. "You're never going to let me live that down, are you?"

"Nope," she said pulling at the hem of a jacket Justice had loaned her for the evening.

As they rounded the final corner, the chatter of a hundred voices could be heard before seen. All seventy-two of their immortal peers, aged eighteen to twenty-three, along with their parents and other excited family members had converged on the large assembly area. She picked up the pace, almost bouncing into the room, eager to try and find Anton again.

"So many people," breathed Riley. "Do you know everyone?"

Justice scanned the crowd for a familiar face and came up short. "No. This is every fledgling from of the western hemisphere. I've only ever met Baulder and two others our age."

"Oh. I feel so out of place," said the young girl watching as a tall twenty-something girl passed her by with sour look.

"It will be okay. Stick with me."

They moved further into the room and found seats in one of the rows in the middle of the hall.

"Justice!" called a familiar voice with an English/German accent.

She turned and saw a tanned boy and a tall black girl passing through the crowd towards them. It was Ben and Tora, two immortals who also lived in Frankfurt, but had attended a different school to them.

"Hey, guys," she replied with distaste at Ben's supremely casual choice of clothing; jeans, sneakers and a teeshirt with what looked like an obscure gaming meme on the front. He never made an effort, she thought to herself.

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