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My friends get involved in my fights


Beatrise Franzhearts is currently on one of her most OMAYGHAD moments in life.

Someone, her childhood friend, and No One, her best friend, are currently in a world war 3

Bea: Aww, come on guys pls no fayt fayt ;-;

Someone: Oh I won't fight with them... IF they apologize for such disgraceful act

No one: Oh pls. You started it! AS IF I'll apologize! Hmph! *turns their back in disgust*

Someone: FINE! *He turns his back too*

Bea: Aww,.. why did this happen? ;-; *tries sobs quietly but is actually loud*
*moves away from them and tries to calm self*

*Someone and No One looks at Bea*
*They look at each other then look back at her*
*They start to worry*
*Bea just sobs again*


*Bea walks inside the school premises*
Bea: *thinks* Okay! Today, I'll make the two reconcile with each other!! No more crying! I'll face this one bravely! I'm sorry for being late my dear friends! I shall now help-
*Eon and No appears with hands over each others shoulders*
Someone: AWWW SHUCKS NO ONE!! You are such a good FRIEND!
No one: AWWW YOU TOO SOMEOME!!! You are extremely the BEST!

*Bea looks at them as of the heavens have performed a miracle and specifically sent that miracle for her*

Bea: Aww, guys! I dunno what happened but I LOVE YOU TWO SO MUCHH!
*Bea hugs the two hoomans*

*They all laugh*
*Someone glares at No One*
*No One glares at Someone*
*Silently whispers to each other: THIS IS NOT OVER YET!*

Why did they fight? Well, let's flashback a bit

No One: I like Bea!
Someone: ...¿Ha?
No One: I'm gonna do my best to win over her feelings...
Someone: ...
No One: Are you just gonna stand there?
Someone: ... What are you saying? I'm happy for you.
No One: Seriously? You like her, don't you? I know you do
Someone: ...So what? As long as you don't do anything to her, it's all okayy!
*No One smirked*
No One: Don't do anything to her eh?
*Bea appears*
No One: Oh there she is! *goes over to Bea* *kisses Bea on the cheek*
Bea: *iz confused* What was that for?
No One: Oh you know. Friendly kiss from your best friend!
Someone: *fuming in anger* *starts flipping tables* *runs towards them* *punches No One*

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