Chapter 1

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"Olive! It's noon! Wake up!"
As I heard those words multiple times from downstairs, I decided to break away from my sleepiness and started opening my eyes.

"Ugh.. my head hurts" I grunted

"Of course it'll hurt. Jennie and Tom got you home last night all passed out."

"I got drunk?" I asked in confusion while massaging my head.

"Yeah, like a rotten cow. You even threw up at Tom. Poor Tom." He teased shooking his head.

"Shut up Drake." I hissed at him.

"Here, some aspirin and coffee. Mom said pack up when you're okay." Said Drake.

"Okay thanks. Now get out." I pointed him to the door so I could continue my businesses.

"Okay, why so harsh?" He responded with his hands in surrender.

How could I get drunk last night? Ugh! I can't believe I'm making this harder for myself.

I took the aspirin and coffee Drake brought me to at least ease my hangover and start working on my things. Leaving Kuggerbrent gives me such emotional distress. We've been here since I was three and Drake still a baby. I made friends and great memories here for about Sixteen years now and to think of being away for the rest of my freaking life gives me a fit.

"Argh! I'm not gonna be able to do this!" I sigh aloud.

"How are you 'gonna be able to do' that if you're just sitting there?" A ragged up woman of here 40's entered my room.

"Do we really have to move, Mom?" I asked in frustration.

I looked at her and she just raised an eyebrow in response. I regret I asked.

"I mean, you like it here don't you?" I continued anyway.

"I do, sweetie but I thought we are done with this? We already talked about this. Your father is fortunately promoted and is assigned to another area." She explained for the nth time.

I sigh in response.

"We need to be with him. You understand that right?" She added.

I threw my back on the bed I'm seated on.
I just don't like the idea of leaving. It's like throwing my entire life away.

"Come on, Olive I'm not doing this again with you. We all are having a hard time here don't make it worse. Stop baing a stubbornhead and just help us when you're done. We still have plenty of things to pack. I expect to see you later downstairs young woman." She lectured and walked out of the room. Great.

"Well what can I do? I guess this is goodbye for me." I muttered.

It's not that we're leaving today, we still have four days to prepare but Mom wants everything to be all tidied up when it's about time. I can't get her, I mean we don't have such a big house to have so many things to pack for four days.

Gliding back to reality, I put some sense into me to start moving around. I searched for my alarm clock for the time but it's not on my bed side table anymore. Now where's my phone???

I finally stood up to look for my phone and noticed how messy my room was.

*face palm*

It's gonna be a long day.


I didn't know phones could be such great hidders. I have been searching everywhere on this messed up room yet it's nowhere to be found.

I Remember WhenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang