Chapter 3

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" I'm gonna miss you, Olive. Please promise to call me, or even visit me whenever you can. Okay?" Jennie said with watery eyes.

This will be my last day here in Kruggerbrent and tomorrow will finally be goodbye. I still have a day here but Jennie acts like I'm leaving already.

"Jennie, you're over reacting. Olive won't leave till tomorrow." That was Tom trying to comfort Jennie or that's what I seem to see. This two like each other but are too tongue tied to admit. There were times when they unconsciously show affection on each other. They look good together I admit and that does the fact that I look like a thirdwheel when the three of us are together.

I'm going to miss this two. They have been my bestfriends ever since I came here.
There were times that Jennie and I would fight and Tom would either step out of the way or in the middle. They are good friends I'd say.

I remember when Jennie and I were 16 and Tom 17, we were such pain in the ass for sales ladies at the mall because we often play hide and seek on display racks and mess up with the products whenever we get a hold on those "try me" displays. We would have so much fun taking clothes to try at the fitting rooms and coming out acting posh and poses everywhere having a fashion show of our own. Such good old days. All the reminiscence gives me an idea.

"Why don't we have fun today? Let's go to the mall perhaps." I suggested.

"Yeah , that would be great! Oh I remember those days when..." Jennie did not finish her reminiscing when Tom interrupted. She pouted.

"Ah yes! Good old days. I'm going to miss those. Let's do that again! But first let's get lunch, I'm starving." That was Tom now rubbing his lean stomach. He does have such physique. Though people would rather mistake him as gay because he always hang out withus, but nope he isn't people! Such a  douche sometimes but nah he's straight and a good one.

We arrived at the mall using Tom's Mercedes. All the good of being a rich kid. If you ever ask, nope! Only I and Jennie are the girls he ever drove to places with it. He's not a playboy I'd say. Again, he's a good one.

"So where shall we eat?" Jennie asked all bubbly. Her rosey cheeks popping out. Cute.

"Yeah where to, Tom." I turned to Tom flashing him a huge grin.

"Yeahyeah come on at the grill. I always loved the steak there. Maybe you'd also love it... and it's cheap." With his addition, he smirked at us. We aren't taking advantage on him having more money, nope! We had this kind of taking turns with paying the bills when we eat together. Yeah that's probably it. Tom's the smart one taking us on cheap restaurants.

"Well, steak it is." Both I and Jennie approved. Tom smiled triumphantly.

"Gosh this is good." I exclaimed before tucking in another slice of beef in my mouth.

"I knew you'd love it." Tom smiled watching both of us enjoying our meals.

"How come I never knew about this place before?" Jennie asked with her mouth partly full.
Yeah, she loves it.

"Oh, this restaurant's new. They opened just about last week. I tried it here on the opening and I liked it, considering the quality and the price." He explained.

"Wow such a shopping freak, always going on malls." Jennie joked. Here they go again.

"You should come with me some time." Tom looked at her and winked. For I know, he meant it.

Taking a look at Jennie, she turned red which adds up to her naturally rosy cheeks.

"Yeah, that does the trick, Tom. I expect you two to start dating when I'm away." I eyed them both. They look hilarious with all their blushing, I got them good.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm the one holding you back with your feelings." I pouted.

Their expressions then changed. Got them again!

"You crazy knit witt! You never was!" Tom locked me under his arms as if choking me.

"Such a gonner." Jennie shook her head smiling.

Gosh I love them.

"Now, get off me. You stink." I joked at Tom but instead, he locked me in much tighter and laughed.

"Hey stop that, knucklehead. You'd kill the beauty." That was Jennie holding her laugh with my expression.

"Listen to your mother, you beast!" You see what I did there? Huh? Beauty? Beast? Get that?

"I am no near this beasts' mother, Olive oil! Now stop that before we get kicked out because of you two." Jennie scolded, pouting.

Yeah, most of the diners are looking at us right now. We're behaving like kids. Like most times.

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