Chapter 2

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I was awaken with the loud banging on my bedroom door.

"What the heck! I'm still sleeping here people!"

I wasn't able to sleep last night because of what happened yesterday. The things that Marcus did and the humiliations were always running on my mind. Stupid Marcus! Stupid flutters!

"Argh! What do you want?!" I added when the loud banging never seem to stop.

"Olive! You have a visitor! Get up! You could beat a hibernating bear with all that sleeping, you lazy head!" Shouted Drake who was on the other side of the door.

"I need sleep people! Please leave me alone! Tell who ever that is, to leave!" I shouted back.

I need rest, if ever someone didn't know. I don't care even if Celine Dion is my visitor or who ever that is.


"Olive! Marcus' here! He said you seem to forgot about your date! " And stupid Drake's back. Great.



"Date?" I asked myself upon realizing what my brother just said.

"Olive!" He again called out from the other side of the door.

Just then I got out of bed and opened my door panicking and saw Drake quite startled of what I did.

"What did you just say?" I whispered to him.

He then pinched his nose with his fingers as a way of teasing me about my breath. Pft.

"I said, brush your teeth Olive! Your breath stinks!" He teased with such intolerable reaction on his stupid face.

"Ha-ha funny. What did you just said- I asked!" I grunted.

"Heh! Marcus, he's downstairs. Mom said get ready, you lazy head." He answered rolling his eyes.

"Marcus?! What the  hell? We-"

I never get to finnish my words.

"Whut? Wan'na back out? I thought Marcus was your ultimate crush?" He interrupted smirking making a clause sign on Marcus' name.

"Shut up Drake! I didn't know we have a date!" I grunted.

"Then go downstairs and dump him. If you could do that." He smirked.

"Urgh! I will, dumbass!" I rolled my eyes and slammed the door on him.

Oh that silly, old, pretty dumbass!

After tidying myself up, I then went donwstairs to see what I could do about Marcus. What's he up to now?

I heard mom and him talking and Drake looking at me with a grimace. Stupid Drake.

I cleared my throat to catch the duets' attention.

"Finally, Olive. I thought you were dead." Mom joked and the two morons chuckled.

I gave Marcus a 'what the hell?!' look to ask what's up with him. Then he secretly showed me my iPhone in his pocket so mom could not notice. This dumbass.

"Jerk" I mouthed at him.

"Is that what you're going to wear on our date, Olive?" Marcus asked with amusement. I'm starting to hate you, you jerk. Just because I like you- no, I superduper like you doesn't mean I'd die to go out with you. Nope! Not like most girls.

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