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OKAY. So... this is my first fan-fiction. uhm. I'm not a amature writer, but I've never attempted this kind of thing before. So... I guess I better explain why I'm doing this. 

So I've always read fan-fictions on whatever AU or series I'm interested in at the time, but recently, when I say recently I mean for the past few months, I've been into the Villain Deku AU for Boku no Hero Academia. And at first I REALLY wanted to write one of those, but seeing how many there already are, I want to do something different. So I'm not spoiling the good part here, so you'll have to wait and hopefully enjoy this little series. 


Midoriya Izuku lived in a world with heros. Izuku always looked up to heros, ever since he was knowledgeable enough to know what they are. Izuku is a smart boy who always wanted to be something others couldn't be. 

A hero.

Even though he was quirkless.

Made fun of.




Apologized to.

He didn't give up. He went through 10 years of hell ever since he was 4, and still managed to keep his happy smile.


That day.

The day he lost his hope in becoming a hero and going onto a seperate path.

That day in middle school, he was planning on it being a normal day.

Wake up

Get ready.

Go to school.

Do work.

Get bullied.

Go home.


But with him being the main character of this story, that didn't go so well.

The first few things on his mental schedule went as planned, but when he was bullied, it was 5x the usual. His childhood 'friend' told him to kill himself and destroyed a piece of his hope, chucking it out of the window. 

100-> 50 hope.

Then he was attacked by a sludge villain.

He couldn't do anything but scream for help. A sad sight to behold as the villain trapped the boy in his body trying to take control of him.

50-> 40 hope.

He was starting to loose consciousness whenever a hero came to save him.

He couldn't hear anything. He was fainting.

When he woke up he saw something he wouldn't believe.

All Might.

The number 1 hero in the world and in his mind. 

All he could do was stare in bewilderment.

He just sat there and started to think of all sorts of possibilities that could have resulted in this.

That's when All Might said his farewelled and lept away.

Izuku, being the somewhat hopeless person he is.

Grabbed onto his leg and got dragged with him.


He was now standing on the roof with the number one hero, All Might.

He started to stutter.

All Might started to explain that he had to go.

Before he could leave Izuku got his words out,

"Can even someone quirkless than me become a hero?!"

All Might stared at him for a tad.

He apologized,

like everyone else,

and completely crushed his dreams.


When Izuku was home he went straight to his room. 

'What can I do?'

He was lost. He didn't want to be something he couldn't be.

He didn't know anything else he wanted to be.

Highschool started in 6 months.

He was LOST.




Suddenly there was a *ding*coming from the phone in his pocket.

He was following a lot of hero streamers in Streamers N' Followers.

It was a popular app that just about everybody who had a phone had.

Just then he had an idea.

He didn't have any followers, but at least he could vent on it.

He opened the app on his phone,

and his new career started.










Okay, sorry not sorry. But I hoped you enjoyed.

I'm going to add the word count her btw.

(Word count:580)

Bye My Friends

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