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It was a dark, breezy night. Jungkook stayed up wondering around his dorm. He couldn't sleep as his roommate would loudly snore.

After a few minutes of walking around, he heard a tune. A tune he had felt unfamiliar to.

He walked towards it cautiously, incase anyone heard him.

He opened the door slightly, revealing a man playing his saxophone with passion.

Jungkook had never seen him before, which was strange to him.

After the mystery man had finished playing, he had turned around noticing an astonished Jungkook.

"Hey, I'm Kim Taehyung and you are?"

Jungkook remained silent as he admired the face of the owner of the beautiful tunes. He didn't realise Taehyung had spoken to him.

"... hello?" Taehyung tried catching Jungkooks attention, which eventually worked after a few tries.

The younger looked at Taehyung, admiring the olders handsome face.

"I-i'm J-Jeon J-J-Jungkook.." Jungkook managed to stutter out, getting very shy and flustered as the older gave him a gentle smile and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you!" Taehyung chirped, shaking Jungkooks hand.

The younger melted at the touch, Taehyungs hands were bigger than his.

Jungkook slowly nodded, letting go of Taehyungs hand rather slowly.

"What are you doing so late at night, Jungkook?" Taehyung asked, putting down his saxophone, looking at Jungkook with curiousity.

"I was taking a little walk." The younger answered, going back and forth on his Timberlands.

"Ah ok... Well it's late so I'm going to sleep, you should too. Night Jungkook!" Taehyung said before shutting his door, closing the light and his eyes.

Jungkook, on the other hand, went back to his room full of sleeping boys but he, himself, didn't sleep.

He stared blankly at the ceiling, thinking about Taehyung and wondering if he'll over see him again.

But soon after, he dozed off.

[A few hours later]

The sun shined brightly in Jungkook's eyes, waking him up to the sound of his roommates being annoying and hitting eachother while screaming.

Suddenly, someone spotted Jungkook.

"Morning Jungkook."

Jungkook looked up to see Jin looking over at him, standing beside his bed.

The younger stretched in his bed and yawned a 'goodmorning' back.

Jin chuckled, sitting on Jungkooks bed. "Be honest, how late did you sleep?"

Jungkook looked over at Jin, sitting up straight and pulling the covers off of him.

"I slept at 2am." He answered truthfully, knowing Jin is gonna go off.

Jin widened his eyes. "What the— 2am?!"

"I'm not a kid anymore, Hyung." Jungkook rolled his eyes, getting up from the bed and going to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Jins eyes followed Jungkook as he got up and walked with him to the bathroom.

"I know that, but 2am is just ridiculous!" The older snapped, looking at Jungkook who had finished brushing his teeth.

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