Chapter 2: The Agony Twins

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Anguish and Slaughter walked into the room in which their father was in.
Anguish is a bit bigger than Slaughter and has a scar going down his snout. Those are the only differences they have. They are both tanish-white with light red tipped flat spikes. Their jobs, are nothing but gruesome. Slaughter kills anyone his father tells him to kill without hesitation, and Anguish will make you wish you were dead.
    "You called us, father?" Slaughter said, a sly smile on his face.
    "Yes, I did," BlackScorch said.
    "For what though?" Anguish said, an innocent yet sinister smile forming on his face.
    "There are three dragons that I need captured. Dune and Gold will capture them and bring them here. Anguish, you are to torture two of them, Poison and Cacti."
Anguish grinned and bowed his head. "Understood."
    "And Slaughter, you are to kill the last one, Rattlesnake," BlackScorch continued.
Slaughter tipped his head. "Understood."
    "Now. Leave," BlackScorch motioned them out.
Anguish and Slaughter both turned and walked out, big grins on their faces..
    "Now we wait for our "guests" to arrive," Slaughter cooed.
Anguish chuckles maniacally. "Can't wait.."
In the meantime, Anguish and Slaughter decided to go for a walk around the desert. As they walked, the other SandWings eyed them with caution. Slaughter looked over at one and grinned. The SandWing felt fear course through their body. Slaughter could tell and grinned more.
    "What a nice day out, huh?" Slaughter said, turning back to his brother.
    "Sure is," Anguish replied.
Then a huge SandWing stepped in front of them. Anguish and Slaughter both recognized him. It was Viper. Viper is about the same height as Anguish. He has sandy tan scales and black triangular scales going down his neck. He has dark black eyes that seem to catch sight of everything. The only strange thing is his barbed tail. At the tip of his tail, it's black.
    "Hey, you two!" Viper hissed.
    "Something wrong?" Slaughter said.
Viper glared at them. "Actually there is. Since everyone is saying how "dangerous" you are, I want to see it with my own eyes."
    "Is that so?" Anguish cooed.
Viper lashed his tail. "Follow me."
Viper started to walk and Anguish and Slaughter followed behind
    "Do we have to do this?" whispered Slaughter.
Anguish shrugged and whispered back. "I'm bored, so mind as well."
Viper stopped and turned towards them. "Here we are."
Viper turned back around and hissed. A small white-tanned SandWing emerged. It shook with fear.
    "Slaughter. Kill her."
Slaughter looked down at her, then looked back at Vipe. "No. I won't. I don't listen to people like you."
Viper hissed at Slaughter. "Kill her!"
Slaughter looked away with annoyance. "No."
Viper hissed and threatened Slaughter with his poisonous barb. Slaughter just yawned and stared at him. Viper lunged at him, his poisonous barb in an attack position. Slaughter moved out of the way and grabbed his tail, staying away from the barb. He then pulled Viper toward him, grabbed his neck, and slammed him onto the sand. Before Viper could attack, Slaughter was in front of him, his poisonous barb aimed at Viper's stomach.
    "Move, and I'll kill you," Slaughter said.
Viper glared at him and snorted.
    "Well done, brother," Anguish said. "Next time, don't show mercy."
Viper's eyes widened. 'He wasn't going all out?!' he thought.
All of a sudden a cloaked SandWing dropped down. "Anguish. Slaughter. They have arrived."
Anguish nodded. "Understood. Slaughter, let's go!" Then the cloaked SandWing took off.
Slaughter looked up and nodded and looked back down. He got off of Viper. "We have real business to attend to."
Then Slaughter and Anguish took off.
Viper stared at Slaughter as he flew off with his brother. "Such preciseness and power.."
When Slaughter and Anguish arrived at their father's fortress, Poison, Cacti, and Rattlesnake were lined up on the ground, chained, in front of father's "throne".
    "Anguish, take Poison and Cacti to your "area". Make sure they don't scream. I need to relax," BlackScorch said.
Anguish tipped his head. "Understood, father." Anguish told the two guards to bring Poison and Cacti with him. As soon as he left the room, BlackScorch's attention turned towards Slaughter.
    "Slaughter," his father said, motioning his wing to Rattlesnake.
    "Here, father?" Slaughter asked.
    "Yes. I want to see his blood spill," his father said coldly. "He has betrayed me with some business offers, so I mind as well enjoy his death."
Slaughter walked up to Rattlesnake. He grabbed his chin and lifted his head so that their eyes met. Rattlesnake widened his eyes and a shiver went down his spine. Slaughter smirked then he quickly slashed Rattlesnake's throat with his talons. Rattlesnake gagged, blood flowing out of his throat. Slaughter looked up to see his father grinning. Slaughter threw the now dead, Rattlesnake to the ground. In the distance, a dragon screamed.
BlackScorch groaned and got up from his "throne". "I told him I didn't want screaming." He walked to the door and swept out of the room, his jewelry clanging. Slaughter looked down at Rattlesnake and snorted. Anguish entered the room, wiping blood off of his chest and talons.    
"Ugh. Those two are really annoying..."
Anguish walked over to Slaughter and stood beside him, looking down at Rattlesnake.
    "Agony.." Anguish said.
Slaughter looked at him confused.
    "The Agony Twins," Anguish continued.
Slaughter raised an eyebrow. "Hmmm... Sounds pleasant. A name our victims will remember."
Anguish looked at Slaughter and nodded, then looked back at the dead body. "Indeed it does. Indeed it does.."
The Agony Twins. That is what they are..

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