Chapter 4: Rainbender

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Rainbender zipped through the trees. He wasn't as fast as any of the other dragonets, but he was fast enough. He stomped and dug his long talons into the side of a big tree. He glanced around as he listened to the sounds of the rainforest.
"It's so beautiful at this time.." he said calmly.
He bent his body backwards and flopped slowly down the tree.
Rainbender twisted his whole upper half around and stared at the dragon.
"Oh hi, Coconut," he said with a smile.
"Don't twist your body like that when you're around me. It's disturbing," she said with disgust.
"Oh okay," he said as he twisted his lower half around too.
Coconut cleared her throat. "Mother wants us."
"Oh. For what?" Rainbender questioned.
"She just does!" Coconut snarled.
"Geez okay Ms Grumpypants," Rainbender replied with annoyance in his voice.
They both lifted off and flew back toward their hut. When they arrived, they saw their mother waiting outside, and judging by the shade of red that was on her scales, she was mad.
Rainbender and Coconut both landed in front of their mother.
"Mother," Rainbender said as he tipped his head.
"Where have you been?" she asked sternly.
"Around," Rainbender replied with a grin.
His mother snorted and stomped back inside.
"What is it with everyone being so mad today?" he asked himself.
Coconut heard him and replied. "We were attacked and our queen was killed Rainbender!"
Rainbender looked at her like. 'I care why?'
Coconut snorted. "We were attacked by the SandWings."
"Are you serious? Why would they do that?" Rainbender asked.
"Queen Radiance didn't agree with what they had in mind, so Princess Burn sent some of her dragons after our queen," Coconut replied.
"Have they decided on a new queen?" Rainbender asked.
"Well since Queen Radiance had no children, they were actually thinking that I be queen," Coconut said.
Rainbender gasped then laughed. "You! Queen?! Ha!"
Coconut snorted. "I will be a fine queen... and the first thing I would do is kick you out of the rainforest!"
Rainbender narrowed his eyes and bent his head at an odd angle and twisted it.
"Stop that!" hissed Coconut.
Rainbender giggled and slithered outside and took off.
Coconut snorted. "Just you wait brother... I'll be the one who receives attention this time."
Rainbender flew through the rainforest. 'Was she serious about kicking me out of the rainforest? I mean she hates me but still...' he thought. He shook off the thought and flew faster. As he flew, he saw a flash of pink and blue scales. He slowed down and tried to look for it again. When he peeked from behind the tree, he saw the most beautiful dragon he had ever seen. She was plucking some orange and blue flowers from a bush. Rainbender was mesmerized by her. Her beauty and her gracefulness.
"Beautiful," he said to himself.
The female lifted her head and looked back.
"Oh-" Rainbender went back behind the tree. "I hope she didn't see me.."
The female poked her head around the tree with a big smile. "Hello there."
Rainbender's scales turned into a shade of pink and he jolted back in surprise and flopped down the tree.
"Ow.." he said.
The female giggled and flew down. "Are you alright?" she asked.
"Yeah I guess.." he said as he stretched his wings.
"I'm Flora by the way," she said with a smile.
Rainbender smiled. "Nice name. I'm Rainbender."
"What a lovely name," Flora said.
"Yeah.." he said with a chuckle, feeling nervous.
Rainbender heard something crack behind him and he twisted his head around and realized Flora was still here. 'Oh no..' he thought. 'She's probably going to leave like everyone else..'
Flora's eyes widened. "Woah.. That's so cool!"
Rainbender turned his head back around and looked down. "It is..?"
"Yeah!" Flora said joyfully.
Rainbender smiled and Flora smiled back. "I'll see you around, Rainbender. Bye."
"Okay! Bye," Rainbender replied.
Flora flew away.
'I wonder what that sound was earlier.. Hmm..' he thought and flew away.
From the shadows of the trees, Coconut emerged, her scales turning back to their normal color, "Hmm. Flora. The other one who wants to be queen. Well she's not gonna be and I'll make sure of it. I'll also be sure to kill her slowly so I can see my brother's pained face."
Coconut walked back into the shadows, her scales camouflaging.
A few days later, it was the day of the Royal RainWing Challenge.
Coconut emerged from her room. "Just you watch..I'll be the new queen."
"Coconut, are you sure about this?" Vivid said.
Vivid was Coconut and Rainbender's mother. She had striking features. Her natural scales were blue mixed with orange and green. Her body was nice and sleek just like Coconut's, except Coconut was a bit bigger than her.
"Yeah Coconut, are you sure about this?" hissed Rainbender.
Coconut glared at her younger brother and smirked. "I'm more than sure." After saying those words, she flew off. 'She must be going to train considering it's early,' Rainbender thought.
After a few hours, it was time for the Royal RainWing Challenge. All the RainWings gathered around the arena. When Rainbender got there with his mother, he looked for Flora.
"Where is she?" Rainbender asked himself.
Rainbender had to stop looking because it was time. He took a seat next to his mother.
"RainWings! It is time for the Royal RainWing Challenge!" yelled the RainWing announcer.
All the RainWings roared with excitement.
"As you all know. We only have two competitors."
The RainWings waited eagerly to see who they were.
"Put your talons together and give it up for.. Coconut and Flora!"
As soon as Rainbender heard "Flora", his heart sank. 'No' he thought. 'This can't be happening..'
Coconut and Flora flew down into the arena and eyed each other with hate.
Flora got down in a low position and lashed her tail. Coconut stared down at her and smirked.
Coconut's scales turned into a shade of black. She couldn't camouflage because that was against the rules for the Challenge. Flora lunged at her with quick speed, but Coconut reacted quickly and grabbed Flora's head and slammed it into the ground and kicked her away.
'No no no no no no!' Rainbender thought. He watched them fight, fear and nervousness flashing through his eyes.
Flora stood up slowly, her scales turning into a shade of purple. Coconut smirked. Flora lunged at her again, but quicker. She latched onto Coconut with her long talons and dug them into her scales. Coconut roared loudly and tried to bite her off. Coconut swung her body around and finally managed to fling her off. Flora landed on the ground, shaking in pain.
'Get up.. Please get up..' thought Rainbender.
Coconut stomped over to Flora and picked her up by her neck.
"I will be queen. Not you!" Coconut said with a deep hiss.
Flora widened her eyes with fear. Coconut grabbed her mouth and pried it open.
"Nooooooo!" roared Rainbender.
Coconut looked up and met his gaze. She smirked at him.
"No..." cried Rainbender.
Flora started to flail her arms, trying to scratch Coconut with her talons. Her scales started turning into a purplish-grey color.
"This ends now," Coconut said and opened her mouth revealing her venomous fangs. She then started to shoot venom into Flora's mouth. Flora started to flail her arms more. Her scales started to turn into a whitish-grey color. Tears were streaming down Flora's face. Coconut didn't stop shooting the venom. Flora started to twitch wildly then went limp. Coconut stopped and threw Flora's body to the side.
Rainbender's eyes widened. "No.." he cried.
"The successor of the Royal RainWing Challenge is Coconut. Our new queen!"
The RainWings roared with joy.
Coconut met Rainbender's gaze and a flash of hate crossed through her eyes. 'Oh no..' Rainbender knew what was coming.
"RainWings! It is my honor to be your new queen. And as the new queen, I have someone to leave the rainforest and be banished," Coconut roared.
The RainWings looked at each other, wondering who it was.
Coconut pointed at her younger brother. "Rainbender. From this day on, you are to never set foot in the rainforest again! If you do, you WILL be killed without hesitation!"
Rainbender's heart sank. 'How could she? She's so.. heartless..'
The RainWings attention turned towards Rainbender and they started to roar and hiss at him. Rainbender staggered back and then flew off. He flew fast, trying to get out of the rainforest. 'Flora..' he thought, remembering her sleek pink and blue scales. He then reached the edge of the rainforest and looked up at the sun. He then heard loud wingbeats behind him.
"Planning to say goodbye I presume," Rainbender said.
Coconut scoffed. "No."
"Then why are you here?" hissed Rainbender.
"Is that anyway to talk to your queen?" Coconut said, a smirk forming on her face.
Rainbender scoffed. "You are not my queen. I have no queen at the moment."
"Right, okay. I better not ever see you again," Coconut sneered.
"Oh.. You won't," Rainbender replied with a smile. He spread his wings and took off. 'Freedom' thought Rainbender. 'Actual freedom..'

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