Jim an actor? - 7

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Jim's pov

Just like evey morining I wake up make lunch go to school. Nothing special.

My day was goibg rather well until the amulet started to glow for no reason. Why now?! Ugh. "T-Toby" I whispered to the shorter male. "What?" He asked while raising his eyebrow. "The amulet.." I nerviously mumbled to him. Now the amulet was also vibrating rather loudly. Aparently loud enough for Toby to be able to hear it since he pushed me to boys changing room.

Only seconds after that I got my armor. I didn't even use the spell.

I heard footsteps coming closer. Oh no.
Im so screwed!

Ugh! Why can't I get the armor off? I stopped hearing footsteps and turned to my right seeing Strickler. "Oh hi.." The older man was looking at me with his eyes wide open. I had to do something! "Umm its for the play.. Wolf Prince!" He relaxed his face. "You better hurry. I believe auditions end in 5 minutes" he simply said before heading out.

Oh shit. Im not an actor. I don't know anything about acting, but here I am waiting for my turn to go to the stage. Who even was on the stage right now? I looked at the stage and Claire was there. She was quiet. "You can start" The teacher informed her.

"Give me my Romeo, and when he shall die, take him and cut him in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all of the world will be in love with night."

Wow her voice was beautyful. That was truly amazing.

The teacher started clapping emonationally. "Amazing!"

Claire walked to me. "Wow you actually came." She sounded rather suprised. "Of course." I mumbled back while lost in her eyes.

"Next" Teacher called for me. "Break a leg.". Claire freaking Nunez just wished me good luck. This made me full of confidence. Walking to the stage and forgetting I didn't know what to say I just smiled. "Who are you and what role do you want?" The teacher asked and didn't even bother to look at me. "Jim Lake jr and Im audutioning for Romeo." I said still confident. "Okay go on." After she said that it hit me. I didn't know what to say.

"Umm.. Destiny! Destiny is a gift. Some go their entire lives, living existence as a quiet desperation. Never learning the truth that what feels as though a burden pushing down upon our shoulders, is actually, a sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights. Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valour, that to strive and triumph in the face of fear, is what is means to be a hero.Don't think. Become." Jim emonationally said.

The teacher was speechless in a good way. She looked at me like a god. I chuckled nervously. The teacher shook her head and wrote something down. "Alright you are free to go." I walked out of the stage to where Claire and Toby were standing.

"That was amazing Jim!" Hearing that from Claire made me happy. "t-thanks"

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