Since forever - 10

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This takes place few months after the last chapter.

Bullies are pretty common so its probably not a big suprise Jim has one. Yes the great wolf hunter has a bully.

Jim's bullie's name is Steve.

Steve is your regular sporty douchebag. Not too special about him. (I love steve but it had to be done)

Everyday Steve would do his best to make Jim's day bad. This may sound really depressing, but Jim was used to it. He has Toby anyway so he is not alone.

Not to make Jim's life sound so bad let's just say: Jim is the wolf hunter, he has a girlfriend and a very nice best friend. Jim himself thinks he has a happy life or atleast interesting one.


"OW!" Jim yelled in pain when Steve kicked him on his stomach making Jim fall back. "Look at your self Lake! You disgust me! Do me a favor and go kill your self!" Steve yelled at him. If they were in school someone would have for sure stopped this, but NO they are in a dark alley.

Tears formed in Jim's eyes as the blonde told him to kill himself. Jim wiped his tears away and formed fists out of his hands. "Getting angry, are we? What are you going to do? You are weak Lake!!" Steve laughed slightly after his sentence.

"Hah funny isn't it? You keep telling me that Im weak and I should kill my self when Im actually atleast five times stronger than you." Jim said laughing. He got up and glared at Steve. "Now you are the one who should get out of my face!" Jim did not normally act like this it was like something was taking over his body.

"Stronger than me???!! YOU DAMN BASTARD!! TRY AT ME!!"

"As you wish."

Jim woke up sweating. 'Just what was that dream?' Jim thought to him self. He knew Steve was mean but not that mean. And why did Jim not act like him self in his dreams. He has had multiple dreams like this before.

Not thinking much about his dreams Jim did his morning rutine.


"Jim." A female voice called for Jim. No answer. "JIM!" This time the girl was yelling wich stardled Jim. "W-what?". Claire sighed. "Whats wrong?". "What do you mean? Im perfectly fine yeaaahh." Claire raised her eyebrow while mentally facepalming. "Jim.. its clear something is bother you. And you can't say its the play this time since it was last week." Jim looked away. "Sorry its just that I have had these dreams and Steve is in them and acts very rude. I know he has bullied me since.. ummm..." Jim stopoed to think for a moment. He didn't remember when Steve had started to bully him. It feels like he has been doing forever. "Since forever!". Claire looked at him with a frown "Jim..".


Yay some angsty stuff.

I know its not much longer than the last one buuuuuuut school is going to end in few days so Im going to have time to write!

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