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(A/n): slight trigger warning??

Saiko's POV

After what happened yesterday something doesn't feel right. After I saw him. Laying on his bed, with his blonde hair spread across the bed sheets, his eyes so tightly shut. Soft pumpled parted lips.

He looked.. Stunning.

Call me crazy, but I wish I could've kissed him, right there. No "sorry's", no "excuse me's". I just.. wanted it so badly.

I honestly just stopped giving a fuck about that, now, crumbled pastel blue piece of paper that he had, gripping it in his small hands, like his life depended on it.

I just wanted to smash my chapped lips onto soft ones.

I just wanted to know how does it feel to have a true love's kiss.

I just wanted to KISS my best friend.

I just wanted to come out to the world and gladly chant: "HEY WORLD! I'M GAY AND I'M IN LOVE WITH MY BEST FRIEND! SUCK MY WIGGLY DICK!" or something like that.

But I can't.

Because I'm closeted and covered.

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