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The movie went slow, at least for Ycaro.

He didn't think the movie was bad at all.. He was just in an anxious state all the movie long.

Ycaro felt his soul leaving his body constantly whenever he heard a noise.

a single noise.

"Ycaro, you can hold my hand if you want.. I don't want you to have a heart attack." Saiko reminded him, noticing how scared Ycaro looked.

Ycaro, being reminded once again, finally held Saiko's hand, gripping on it like his life depended on it.

Saiko felt a heat on his cheeks, before smiling, turning back to the movie, intertwining their fingers.

Ycaro was no longer paying attention to the movie. He was more focused on their hands. How they perfectly fit in. It looked like they belonged together.

"Thank you.. Thank you so much.." Ycaro muttered, in hopes that Saiko would hear him, through the loud speakers of the movie theater.

"No problem, dum dum.." His voice was sweeter than usual.. It reminded Ycaro of how Saiko talked to Skii.

So sweet.

The movie has ended and they all headed to their respective houses.

Ycaro wanted to get home as quick as possible. His mind was full of thoughts.

Saiko let him hold his hand.

Saiko talked with him in a way he didn't talk with any of his other friends.

Saiko helped him with his panic attack earlier that day.

Was Saiko only being a good friend.. or there's more to that..?

Oh psh! Who was he kidding? Saiko is straight and he has a girlfriend, he was probably just being a good friend.

Right when he arrived home he kicked his room door open. His thoughts were bugging him non-stop. It was unbearable.

So that's when he decided to write those feelings down.

Maybe it would help him out.

Maybe not.

He'll try.

Dear Saiko,

You make me confused constantly.
Sometimes you make me believe you are the straightest guy there is, just like the gayest.
Either way, I fall more and more in love with you everyday that goes by.
What's your deal?
Fuck, I love you so much that it hurts.
You make me feel so safe, so comfortable, I feel like I can be myself, only when you're around. Because I know you wouldn't mind it. We've been friends for ten years, it's hard to imagine how long we've been supporting each other, listening to each other's jokes, problems and so on, how many times we've hung out.
Just us.
I felt so amazing in those times.
Today you let me hold your hand. It made me feel so much better. I also noticed how your cheeks went red for a moment or two, maybe it was my imagination, but I like to think it wasn't.
Our fingers intertwined, it felt like my heart was going to explode.
In a good way.
But in the end..
I'm just a fool who loves you too much.

✏fool          ;saikaroWhere stories live. Discover now