Taken Away

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Chapter 4

   Before I can scream, I am ripped out of the fridge and thrown on the ground. My hands are instantly bound in chains behind my back by the female Dusk, and Clyde holds me to the ground.

   "No! Get away from me!" I roll around, trying to get loose from his monster grip. He just tightens it. After a moment of struggle, I fall quiet, knowing he won't let me go as long as I breathe. He takes this as a sign of surrender, and hauls me to my feet.

   "Now... You have two choices here, prey. First: You go willingly. Two: We can knock you out. Which would you prefer, prey?" The tall one—Malakai—asks. His voice sounds gentle, but his dark green eyes look fierce.

   "I'd prefer you to stop calling me 'prey'. I am not your prey, nor will I ever be," I shoot back at him. His eyes twinkle with amusement and he grins wider.

   "Well then. Choice two it is. Clyde, knock her out," he orders, snapping his fingers. I jerk back and kicks Clyde's shins with my heels, glad I still wore my shoes. He grunts and loosens his hold enough for me to yank loose. Having succeeding, I burst out of the room. LeAnne. I have to see what they did to LeAnne!

   I barge into the living room and almost trip in shock. No... No... nononononono!


   LeAnne sits slumped in her recliner, head on her chest, blanket pulled off her lap. A bloom of blood spreads across her blue shirt, caused by the dagger embedded there. For once I let the tears in my eyes fall, stumbling towards the woman I deemed my mother for the past twelve years.

   I fall on my knees next to her, laying my head on lap and cry.

   You knew this would happen. Those things out there are murderers.

   "Murderers!" I scream at them. Yelling as they haul me to my feet. Cursing as they drag me to the door. Falling slack as Dusk stabs a syringe in my neck. Whispering the word as my vision goes dark. Crying as the ground comes closer. Helpless, as I fall into unconsciousness.


   My head pounds and I feel the ground hard against my body. I blink my eyes open and see fog everywhere. The breaks in the fog shines a blue-like color.

   Am I dead? Did they kill me? Gaining my focus, I put my hands out in front of me and slowly stand up and look down. Still in my old clothes. My hands aren't bound anymore either. What's going on?

   "Kaila, I'm so happy you're alright!" LeAnne's voice wafts through the air to where I stand. I snap my head to the right and see her walking towards her. She has a golden light around her. Her dagger wound is gone, her person free of blood stains. Her eyes warm and lively again.

   "LeAnne!" I run to her as she opens her arms to me. I collapse into her arms and sniffle.

   I can hug her one last time.

   "Am I dead?"

   She chuckles and pats my head. "No, child. You are very much alive, but you're unconscious. Now you must listen carefully to me, my dear," she orders gently, pulling me back to look at her. "You're in danger, and it ain't gonna get any better. You gotta be strong now. For yourself. Be strong for me, my dear."

   "Can't I just stay with you? That's so much easier," I whine. She gives me a hard look and sets her hand on her cocked hip.

   "Do I hear you giving up? The Kaila I know does not give up. And she certainly does not whine. Now you can either go out there and be sorry for yourself. Or you can go out there and be strong for yourself. Don't stop fighting, Kaila. I know you can do it."

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