"I need your help."

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Chapter 14

   "Should I be worried?" I ask Max quietly as we follow Humphry down the trail. After I'd told Max who he was, she was a lot more quiet. Now she just looks ahead with hard eyes and a set mouth. I've asked her what we might be doing, but she just shakes her head and keeps walking, forcing me to follow along.

   "No talking!" Humphry says sternly over his shoulder. He keeps a steady pace, his posture confident despite his shaking hands. Where are we going?

   "Hey Humphry," I call to him. "Do you think you could—"

   "I said no talking!" He snaps. "Just be quiet and follow me to the Alpha's den. He'll inform you of your requirements there."

   Ah, so we're going to his den. Gosh, I hope I don't have to do another Ceremony. I look over at Max again, but she's still quiet with narrowed eyes. What is going on in her head?

   We walk in silence for the rest of the way, skirting around the edges of buildings and dens, lighted by the glow of candles. They probably don't like seeing Omegas walking freely in their pack as if we aren't the worms of their society. That's a comforting thought, the fact that I can make people upset by just existing. Just great. Note sarcasm.

   Once we get to the Alpha's den, Ghost and Barber posted in front of the building part, staring ahead silently. The sky is now a pale purple streaked with pink, and I have to squint against the lights. I watch them as Humphry shows them a golden token and they lift their weapons to let us through.

   "Not her," Ghost orders pointing her spear at Max. "Only the new Omega." Her features do not show the kindness or sympathy like they did when I first met her. Only emotionless eyes that glare at me. I open my mouth to retort, to defend, but Humphrey gently pulls on my arm before I can say anything.

   "The Alpha made very specific orders that only you were to be let in, Kaila," he whispers to me. "Not even I will come in with you. The guard will escort you inside," he adds louder, glancing at Barber hesitantly. He sneers at us and Humphrey quickly looks away.

   "But Max can be quiet. She'll just stand in the corner, right Max?" I argue, turning towards her, but she doesn't look up. "Max?"

   "I'll wait outside for you," Max mumbles quietly, head down and shoulders hunched.

   "You're not staying anywhere near us, Omega scum," Barber spits out. "Go back to the outskirts where you belong." So opposite to her confident self that I'd first met, Max shrinks down into a bow and turns towards the forest.

   "I'll see you later," I call to her, not wanting to mention her cave in fear of it being discovered. A flick of her hand is her only reply. Turning back around, Ghost motions for me to enter through the door and proceeds inside. We walk down the same hallway I'd first gone through, but then we pass the Ceremony room. Taking a sharp left, Ghost leads me down a shorter hallway to a room with an actual door.

   Ghost knocks twice on the door sharply. "She is here, Alpha," she announces loudly. A gruff voice calls me inside and Ghost nods at me to go in. Taking I deep breath, I twist the knob and walk through the threshold.

   The room is comfortably spacious, with torches lighting the smooth walls. Lanterns that rest on a large table reveal a map akin to the ones hanging in Silvermoon's cabin. An army's territorial layout, with symbolic figurines and pieces. Like King Arthur's round table, it has polished rock thrones surrounding the edges. Nine in all, with different colored pelts and accessories adorning each of them uniquely. At the head of the table, with papers scattered around him, the Alpha sits hunched with his two colored fingers touching. The three pointed tips of his chair are painted blood red with strings of polished blue gems hung on them. Pretty.

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