Season One Contestants

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Greetings contestants, and welcome to Epic Battles of Middle Earth! We now have enough people to start this off, though a few short of what I'd hoped. Regardless, we're set to begin!

Here is a list of all those who will be competing with their characters:

1) Frodo: Twilightshadow-of-NC

2) Treebeard: KKat203

3) Witch-King: GerithorDunedain

4) Aragorn: jsclingman

5) Gollum: tarsrife

6) Arwen: PilindielTheElf

7) Turin Turambar: Silmarilz1701

8) Manwë: TheSilmarillion

9) Thorin: arwen_galadriel

10) Mirkwood Spider: Shadow873

11) Shelob: Illeandir

12)  Pippin: baileygaines

13) Beregond: Storm_Herald

14) Gandalf: MarvelKenley

I'll be posting who will be facing off against who, and where it will be taking place very soon. Please make sure you adhere to the rules laid out on the first page and get ready to have some fun! :D

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