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You enter the arena to see a legion of orcs filling the seats and the arena surrounded by black obsidian walls and you realize this is Barad-Dur. A shiver of fear runs down your spine, but you square your shoulders, remembering your purpose: put an end to the Dark Lord.

Your guards stop you in the middle of the arena facing the Dark Lord. You raise your chin in defiance.


I laugh looking down at you in your meager attempt at bravery. "Do you really believe you can defeat me, little mortal? Do you think you can truly stand against my might?"

I lean forward. "This will be the death of you."


You stare up at him with determined eyes. "Then let us not waste time. I challenge you, Sauron the Deceiver! To the death."


It has begun, the great duel of our time!

You guys asked for it, now I have delivered. I'm stepping into the arena to take on the two heroes that are left. From this, one person will move on towards the finals, where they will face off against Boromir for the Title of CHAMPION.

We will each get UP TO FIVE POSTS EACH, with a MINIMUM REQUIREMENT OF TWO. The Battles will end 8/31 at 8pm, so that gives us three days. The setup will look like this:

Sauron vs. Morwen

Sauron vs. Bilbo

Our battles will be fought in these two threads. DO NOT COMMENT ON THOSE!!! The actual threads will be in the comments as always.

Anyone may go first to start it off. 

If you have any questions, please let me know in the QUESTIONS THREAD. 

Let the Battle commence!!!

Epic Battles of Middle EarthWhere stories live. Discover now