Round Two: Voting

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Alright, this was quite the round of battles! There were some burns so hot that it almost melted my phone screen, and comebacks that were simply amazing.

Now it's up to you, Readers, to determine who will be moving on to Round Three! 

This will look a little different than last time as I will not be doing it the threads, but rather, right here on the page. The pair will be announced, and then the names listed below them for voting.

Example: Azog (username) vs. Goblin king (username)

Vote for Azog

Vote for Goblin King

Make sense? You will still comment "Vote" for who you want, and you cannot vote for both people in the pair. You are allowed to vote for one person out of every pair.

Please do not comment anything else outside of the Conversation Thread to make it easier for me and others. It's much appreciated :)

Voting starts at 8pm Pacific Standard Time and will run until 8pm PST Tuesday, June 5th. Any vote cast before that time will NOT count for that person and will be deleted. Likewise, any vote cast after 8pm Tuesday will not count.

The Conversation Thread will be open for discussion.


  1) Thorin (arwen_galadriel) vs Frodo (Twilightshadow-of-NC)

Vote for Thorin

Vote for Frodo 

  2) Mirkwood Spider (Shadow873) vs Treebeard (KKat203)

Vote for Mirkwood Spider

Vote for Treebeard

3) Gandalf (MarvelKenley) vs Turin Turambar (Silmarilz1701)

Vote for Gandalf

Vote for Turin Turambar

4) Aragorn (jsclingman) vs Pippin (baileygaines)

Vote for Aragorn

Vote for Pippin    

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