Virtual world.

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Robyn never clearly understood how magic worked.

Oh, yes, she learned some magic as an adolescent, in Storybrooke, or with Gothel too, but it was certainly not the thing she was the best at.

She didn't understand what happened to her, when she woke up, in Phuket, remembering everything about the curse, about Alice, about her mother, her aunt, magic in general, and Hyperion Heights too.

The only thing she really understood was the pain that took her at this precise moment, when she remembered the truth, when she realized she was far from Alice since almost two years now, and from her mother and her aunt too.

Far from her entire family, who certainly not remembered who she was for them, if she excepted her own mother.

And furthermore, she realized that, if as Margot, she was not happy, well, as Robyn, it was worst, because she clearly knew the reason why.

She was alone.

Instead of going back to Seattle, she tried to find her way back to Storybrooke, because in this place, there was magic, and people who would help her by maybe giving her memories potions, so this fucking mess wasn't going to last forever, even though it was what the witches wanted.

Except that, apparently, magic wasn't on her side this day.

So yes, Robyn clearly didn't realize what happened this day, when she came back in Storybrooke, was hit by some strange magic, and then completely disappeared in a place she didn't know and in which she never was.

But for sure, it sucked.


When she opened her eyes, Robyn saw nothing at first.

(Later, in her mind, she would describe this place as a form of Wish Realm, or maybe Dream Realm, if this kind of thing really existed.)

She had no idea of the place where she was, but it was not Storybrooke, or Seattle.

Not even the New Enchanted Forest, or any place she visited as Margot.

She frowned.

Where the hell was she ?

She stand up, trying to recognize something, anything which would look familiar in any way.

But nothing.

There was nothing.

Was it even real, or was she dreaming, right now ?

In fact, there were things around her, and she rapidly concluded that she was in a forest.

How original it is, she thought, ironic.

Yes, if it was a dream, her mind certainly didn't have a great imagination. Or maybe that it was just a way to send herself in a place where she would feel safe and sound. Far from all her problems, the curse which was still not broken, the fact that she missed everyone from her family.

(Remember what kind of relationship Margot had with her mother hadn't been good.

She missed her mom.

A lot.)

She pinched herself then, just as a reflex, to be sure that it was real, and she retained with difficulty a gasp of pain. Alright, so... it was real... And if it was magic which did it, then... how could she undo it ? How could she leave this place ?

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