Badass or Bitchass? J O R D A N

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So we have mentioned this guy named Jordan in some of the past chapters. However some shit went down and now we do not know how we feel about him. Let me explain.

Jordan has this creepy family member who we call pervy Mervy. He basically said he wanted to smash with Melisa. It was disturbing. That happened over the weekend so when we got back to school all of us were a bit pissy towards Jordan. 

He got mad but we didn't know because he is good at hiding his emotions.

Presley and I were at talent show practice at our school when he told us. 

He sent us mean texts while we were preforming. I thought that that was super extra. We kinda made up but guys I really don't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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