Happy little home

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"I'm really going to miss you Josia" says my friend Shoa, "Hope college is fun for you!" I smile as she hugs me around the waist. "Really sucks we couldn't go to the same one, but I want to be a nurse, and you wanna be a game designer. I just wish you luck and hey, keep in touch okay?" We exchange nods as I hop into the car. She blows me a kiss, of course we aren't dating though. I blow one in return and head off to the campus.

I attended the University of California, where I would learn how to be a surgeon! I wasn't going to live on campus though, an apartment was available nearby, so I went for that instead. I had no roommates, but I did have a part-time job, and that was all I needed.

As I approach the complex I soon realize that this isn't at all what I expected. "The fuck is this shit? There's rust on the fucking railings for Christ's sake! Ugh!" I guess I couldn't ask for too much, this IS an apartment near a college after all. This isn't exactly "luxorious". I step out of my small gray car and walk up the short and quite dull concrete steps. I think to myself, "This is it. Hell hole 113. Yay." And step inside. The apartment is covered in trash, probably from the previous owner. It was small and sort of squarish. I see the kitchen in the back right, where a dirty gas stove sat and old rickety chairs covered in dust. A small half-wall separates that from the living room, which was bare, and the bedroom door. "I don't know if I even want to sleep here.. this looks abandoned as all hell.." I feel something tickling my leg, moving up and up, slowly. I look down only to see a giant cockroach, the size of both my thumbs, moving faster and faster up my waist now. I kick and scream and flail, and it flies off of my body. "AGH! Fuck! Fuck off you Radroach!" I stomp it as hard as possible with my converse, and eventually all it is a gooey pulp. I take my shoes to be washed, desperately trying to not puke.

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