Baby Blue, A Name Painted in the Skye

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Only thoughts of crimson lights were flooding my mind. Everything seemed so, so red. It burned my head, scorched my insides... I needed something calmer, a sweeter colour... Where could I find one? I was stuck with a Demon, also gleaming red, and two stars to care for me: one too, too dark, and another far too bright. I needed somebody who would serve as a middle-ground for me. Perhaps... A constellation to learn from.

Ah... That night was so serene, so calm, so utterly sweet. The Moon was watching over Spaceship Earth ever so regally, shining silver. Though, out past the silver glow, I noticed a different colour, something softer. Blue. But this blue was not dark like Navy. It was Baby Blue. I had never seen such a sweet light before, and, as curiosity took the best of me, I followed it. For what could be awaiting me at the end of this hallway of such a sweet blue luminescence? Why, it was a constellation, one shining ever so purely. Her hair shone that same blue; her wings spread out so angelically... This constellation would be the one to finally teach me. I knew that. She turned around...

The blue constellation paused. "You're hurt."

She spoke in a tone beyond my imagining. The words eased off her tongue in a strong accent. I liked that. Then, I noticed her face. Draped across it, the constellation that she was. It was so familiar, as if everyone knew of this kindhearted soul. Ursa Major... The Big Dipper!

"Can you hear me, Little Star? Are you alright?"

The Big Dipper hesitantly came up to me, and proceeded to shun me from all darkness. She let no harm fall upon me. She only let me harness light and love. All the ideas and thoughts of this love that had previously been so blurry finally cleared up. I understood now.

I had a constellation to learn from, and I was ecstatic. We shared countless jovial moments together, and life seemed to fall seamlessly into place. With many friends, joys, and a mind full of creativity, nothing could have gotten better.

The Big Dipper had taught me many, many things. Most importantly, she told me of Spaceship Earth. She had described the planet as a place where no stars should ever set foot on... I was skeptical of that. Too skeptical, in fact! I questioned her statement, and though Big Dipper still held tightly onto her belief, she did tell me of the inhabitants of the planet, and their plentiful technologies. She had introduced me to film, and informed me of the existence of the Earth People.

I had been also introduced to a technology beyond my enjoyment! They were called, "Games" and after I had... borrowed them from the Big Dipper, I showed Navy and her constellation, Gemini, and their friends Orange and Sky Blue. Gemini had already known of these games, but the other little stars were overjoyed to have this new technology be revealed. Those stars became very attached to the games, and, so did I!

Many nights, the Big Dipper and I would just sit, gazing at Spaceship Earth. She would look resentful, for I did not understand why, but I looked at the planet with a sense of hope and belonging. Little stars were meant to protect this globe! Perhaps, one day, deep in my thoughts, I believed that I would get to set foot on this globe and meet its inhabitants. One day. I knew.


Cute cute cute :)

(Also by "Games" I 100% meant video games.)

I'm terribly sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been busy I suppose, and lacking motivation. But... Next part may be a little more fun, for... Magenta-Violet seems quite entranced with the Earth... Maybe humanity needs some fixing? ;)

The next part is also most likely to feature a band. Stay tuned, starry friends!

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