A Star Shining Copper and the True Revolutionists

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I tore the bandages off my hands. I did not need them any longer. 

"If you wish to help me with my Creation, you will need to be granted with my power."

I glanced at Remington and smirked. The Vampire... That was it! Maybe I could arise power from that nickname. I surrounded the tall boy with my magic. I saw it all happen: teeth turned to fangs, nails turned to claws, and demonic wings spread out wide on his shoulder blades. His brown eyes turned to blood red. Then, I noticed a small black star symbol appear on both of his arms, crowded in between those other black symbols. Remington was now a star-powered vampire.

I saw Sebastian looking greatly uncertain and worried, but I was far too into my own mind to care. I regret that.

I then turned to Emerson, the boy I once knew... I had gotten overwhelmed with power and emotion. I smiled; it was genuine, almost bittersweet.

"Little Bear," I hesitantly paced closer to the Pirate, "you have the same ideals as I, do you not?"

Without even noticing, my magic was encasing Emerson. It was covering him from head to toe, yet he failed to speak a word. Sebastian looked even more panicked than before. I saw a strange look of fear and happiness in his blue eyes. I never understood what that look meant. I snapped out of it, and grabbed his hand before he could disappear into the pink mist, but I could not hang on, as my magic seemed to have controlled itself because of my overwhelmed emotions. The Pirate's hand was no longer grasped in mine, and he was completely unseen, lost. 

Sebastian yelled his youngest brother's name and leaped for the mist, but I stopped him. Remington moved forwards as well in a protective instinct, but did not go too far.

"Where... Where is he?!"

"I promise you that he will be alright." I spoke hesitantly. I was not sure if that was the truth.

Eventually, after a long while of anticipation, fright, the mist faded. It was about time, for all I could hear while waiting was the forsaken ticking of the clock in my mind. I was worried, too worried, for my Little Bear...

I saw him, lying on the grass, leaning against a tree. He looked to be asleep or maybe unconscious. I slowly paced up to him... His eyes were not closed, but they were rolled back into his head. He was not moving, nor breathing. The hand I had grasped before he disappeared had two crossed gashes, forming an x, searing across the back.

Sebastian bolted up to his brother and then proceeded to check for a pulse. Nothing. A look absolute sorrow washed over him. 

"...Rem! Call for an ambulance."

"No," I interrupted him, "you must not bring other humans here. I cannot be found! Not yet."

"You think this is about you?! My brother is unresponsive!" I could tell that Sebastian did not want to admit that Emerson may be dead.

"You must be patient. If this is magic's doing, it can most likely be undone with magic as well."

So, I sat in the grass next to Emerson and brushed my thumb across his gashed hand. I noticed something peculiar underneath the gashes... Had a miracle occurred?

Bronze blood was coming off of his hand, and underneath the cuts I noticed a faint glow. I used my magic to heal the wounds enough so I could see what was underneath. I could do that much.

What was underneath was beyond my amazement. Unlike Remington's small, secluded star symbols, Emerson had a real, bronze-glowing star symbol traced onto his hand. Just then, I heard a deep exhale, then an inhale, then repeat... He was breathing again. His eyes rolled back. They were no longer that shiny blue... Well... They were a bright, stellar copper! 

Remington realized that Emerson was awake before Sebastian did, so he sat down beside his brother to comfort him. Once Sebastian noticed, he grabbed me by the shirt collar and pulled me over to the side.

"Do you think this is some sort of joke?! You nearly killed my baby brother!"

I could sense the fury in the Gentleman's soul, burning viciously. All I could muster was to stare in shock. My mouth was agape and my eyes were wide. I could tell he loved his brothers to no extent.

"It was all a mistake."

"It was one hell of a mistake..."


Remington had signaled to us after Emerson began to speak once again.

"What... Happened?"

"I was horribly overwhelmed... I am so terribly sorry, Little Bear..."

Emerson shook his head slowly and then attempted to stand, though he fell back down. [Do not worry, Remington caught him.]

"S...Something is weighing me down..."

"You must be dizzy... It's okay." Remington stated.

"Stretch, Emerson." I commanded, but politely.

He did so while slowly trying to stand once more. This time, brilliant copper wings arose from his shoulder blades. I was in utter shock, awe, and amazement. Could it be true? Had I, Magenta-Violet Star, turned an Earth person into a real star? His brothers seemed amazed, too, and Remington looked pleased.

"Great! Now we both have wings!" Remington smiled, fangs showing.

Sebastian sighed angrily. I could tell he now had a grudge against me.

"Sebastian. You need a star's power if you wish to help me with my Creation." He refused. I knew I was not going to win against him, therefore I crafted something, a weapon, fit for him. It was a staff, sort of like the ones mythical wizards wield. "There you are... A star-certified weapon of the Creation. Fit perfect for the Gentleman, or shall I say, Gentle-mage?" I chuckled and handed the staff to him.

"It is time for us to fight."

Remington clenched his fists, flaring with red and black magic. Sebastian once again adjusted his necktie. Emerson glanced at me, confused. I nodded at him and crafted a weapon for him as well, something he could channel his magic through. I made him a cutlass, speckled with red roses. It was truly fit for a pirate, this pirate who was now a bronze wonder.

Out we traveled, out of the street-side forest and back to the humanity we were bound to change. My Creation was only getting started. I glanced to the blue sky and shaded my eyes from the Sun. Then, I turned back to my team. I informed them of what was going to happen. We were going to destroy and rule the world.


This was kind of a different chapter. It had more dialogue than usual.

Also I apologize if you're not too into this whole transformation magic stuff. I mean, my story is listed as fantasy sooo...

Now, soon we will figure out how Magenta decides to change this planet. It seems like she's going to completely destroy and remake it... Let's see how that turns out, shall we?

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