a palette of ashes

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the dragon is the soul of the child who never learned how to speakoh hellboystealing the witch's eyesfor your own demise

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the dragon is the soul of the child
who never learned how to speak
oh hellboy
stealing the witch's eyes
for your own demise

those chafe talons scraps down your jessamine skin
you let the crimson blood pool into your mouth
as you drown within yourself
oh how you make the sun split into Amaryllis and gold

as you pray to the god of synthetic realities
trying not to fall into the cracks of his own
saint tainted equilibrium

now they watch you burn
oh how crisp that acid was on your skin
that had felt the snake's venomous daybreak kiss of epiphany
yet you drank it as your own elixir
now you're burning
burn. burn. burn.
there's no time to frame you
and place your taupe soul painted with Da Vinci's
renaissance of derealization
your existence was merely just a simulation of ventriloquy

in a museum filled with conservative eyes
yet minds embedded with gluttonous desires
who turned the cries of heaven's sinners
into a souvenir of eunoia
oh hellboy
you were truly a dreamy mirage

AN~ So this piece was inspired by child soldiers, especially with the recent happenings in Syria. Children's innocence is taken away early, because of the trivial reasons people want to rage war. Stop putting guns in these children's hands, and put pencils and crayons instead. Their world becomes filled with violence and a misconception of how things truly are. I feel like this is a subject that isn't talked about, so I wanted to use this platform and help bring awareness to it.

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