Ch.4: Friends in Secret Places

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The two elves stare at me in a silent shock. Since I am closer I can see their faces more closely. They are both young elves-- my age, by the looks of it. The guy has long brown hair that is braided on the side. He has dark brown eyes and a heavily chiseled face with sharp angles.

But the girl. Never in my life have I seen such beauty. Her face is carefully sculpted. Her slightly rounded cheeks flow perfectly into her smooth chin. Her nose flawlessly curves up ever so slightly. Her skin has a natural paleness to it that makes her entire face glow and causes her braided golden hair to gleam. But the most glorious sight of all is her eyes-- blue green orbs that shine with such intensity.

But before I know what is happening, they are both kneeling down in front of me.

"My king," they say. I feel heat rush to my face. Why am I to be treated like this? So superior to every other elf? Just because of my blood? I quickly nod to get them standing up once more.

"Please," I beg. "Not here." They look at me, puzzled. But then the guy sticks out his hand.

"Galather Alluth." He greets. I shake his hand.

"I am Thranduil here. Under the trees we are all equal."

"Wise words." He comments. The girl sticks out her hand and I take it gently.

"Deryth Jaglene." She says, her voice light yet strong. I lean down and kiss her hand.

"Saesa omentien lle, arwen en amin." I reply. (pleasure meeting you, my lady).

Deryth nods, but her face is unchanged. I can't help but be disappointed at her reaction. There is clearly more to this elf than meets the eye.

pic of Deryth (

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