Ch.8: Evil Monsters

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My days repeat themselves in the same pattern. I wake up, I sit on my throne, and I go back to sleep. I hardly eat anything for I have no appetite. Everything starts to blend together and eventually I do not even know what day it is. Nothing happens that stands out. My life is just a constant cycle of sleeping and ruling-- if that is what you would even call it.

I am walking to the throne with Ninthalor at my tail. Loyal Ninthalor. Always by my side. If he only knew what I am feeling. I walk into the hall and sit down on the large wood throne. I exhale loudly causing Ninthalor to send me a confused glance. If you only knew Ninthalor, if you only knew, I thought.

My thoughts are interrupted when the hall doors burst open and Ettrian and several members of the guard rush up to me.

"My king," Ettrian greets as he bows before me.

"Ettrian." I say simply. He stands and meets my gaze.

"Lord Thranduil, I worry for our safety." He tells me. I cock an eyebrow. "The guard keeps coming across more and more creatures-- evil monsters." I stiffen. Why would creatures be coming? The Woodland Realm was peaceful. "A shadow seems to be lurking over the forest, my king."

"Who could be responsible for this?" I demand, feeling my stress and anger build up drastically.

"The Necromancer."

Instead of speaking a response, I quickly stand and rush out of the hall and eventually into my room. Ninthalor's footsteps can be heard behind me, but I lock my door anyway. I sink into my chair and bury my face in my hands. A loud knock erupts from my door.

"Thranduil?" Ninthalor calls. "My king?"

"Please leave Ninthalor." I beg.

"Thranduil, please. What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?"

"I can't do it Ninthalor. I can't be king." I sob.

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