#1 How You Meet

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Your first big assignment as a radio personality was to run 5SOS's interview at your local radio station. As any professional would, you made sure to do your research on the band before they arrived, meaning you went on YouTube and watched many an interview. You hadn't really known much about the band before researching them, and were honestly surprised to see how attractive they all were. You were especially drawn to Ashton. About 15 minutes before the band was supposed to arrive, you and your co-host for the show were doing a little sound check. "So, y/n, are you ready for the interview?" your co-host asked into her microphone. "Oh, for sure. I'm especially excited to breach professional policies and snag the digits of that Ashton one," you smirked and both of you fell into a fit of giggles. Walking out of the studio a few minutes later to prepare to greet the band, you were surprised to see they were all already arrived and waiting on the plush sofa just outside the studio. You hoped they hadn't been there long, as your eyes found their way to Ashton's. He smirked, and you looked away unsure. Walking over to the band, you held out your hand to them one at a time and introduced yourself. When you got to Ashton, he slipped a tiny sheet of paper into your hand. You unfolded it to see a phone number and your cheeks turned red with embarrassment.



You went to the same school 5SOS had but you were about a year and a half younger than Luke, so you were still in school. You hadn't really known any of them too well, only spoken to Calum once or twice since he was casual friends with your older brother, but you doubted he remembered you. Today they were visiting the school on their day off, particularly the music wing -- which was where you spent most of your time. You had a 3rd period independent study music class, which basically meant you had the whole period and an empty classroom to play guitar in. As you were tuning your guitar, you heard your teacher talking with a group of people, which meant he probably wouldn't be in anytime to check in on you. You began strumming away and a few minutes later you had finished playing the piece you were working on for your final exam. You looked up as you heard clapping in the doorway. "That was awesome! You're y/fn y/ln, right? Y/bn's sister?" A black-haired boy asked, coming over to the stool you were perched on. You recognized him as Calum Hood, and were surprised he remembered who you were. "Thanks, and yeah. You were friends with him right?" You asked. "Yeah, I was. Anyway, I'd love to hear you play that again, from the beginning," Calum said. You grinned and picked up your guitar.



"Agh, come back!" You shouted helplessly at your Labrador as he ran away into the dark streets. You began running the direction you had seen him go, down a fairly quiet street in Sydney. You suddenly heard a loud crash followed by a "fuck." You followed the noise and saw your large dog had ran into a tall boy wearing sunglasses and a hoodie. You ran over to your dog and reattached the leash to his collar. "I am so sorry, are you okay?" You asked the boy. "Yeah I'm fine, I wasn't really looking where I was going, it's okay." He mumbled as he brushed himself off and stood up. "Little late for sunglasses don't you think? Especially in this dark street." You questioned, a little weirded out by the boy. "Err, yeah. Yeah, I just--" "Wait you're wearing a hoodie too, are you like famous or something?" You interrupted, laughing. The boy yanked off his sunglasses and ran his hand through what you could see now was blond hair. "Uhh, god this is awkward. A little? Just keep walking, there were some people chasing me a few blocks back but I'm pretty sure I lost them." he exasperatedly explained. Now you were curious. "So, what's your name, Mr. Cute-slightly-famous-getting-mobbed-by-fans-and-ran-over-in-dark-alleys-by-my-dog-guy? I'm y/n." You held your hand out to the boy as you two walked towards the lighter street you had come from. "Nice to meet you y/n, I'm Mr. Cute-slightly-famous-getting-mobbed-by-fans-and-ran-over-in-dark-alleys-by-your-dog-guy." He grinned, his hand lingering on yours longer than necessary. "No, really, what's your name?" you laughed a little. "If I told you, I'd have to kill you." He said, a serious look on his face before bursting out laughing again. You rolled your eyes. Eventually, after walking and joking for two hours,you got his name out of him-- and his number.



You mindlessly hummed along to the song playing in the electronics shop you worked at. You glanced at the clock on the wall: 7:04. Two more hours until you were done with your shift. You looked up as the jingle of the door signaled that someone was entering the otherwise empty shop. A group of four boys, all wearing black skinny jeans and made-to-look-worn-out-but-actually-brand-new t shirts, noisily barraged in and headed straight to the video game wall. After loudly arguing over what games to buy, one of the boys, who had lime green hair, walked up to the counter with a determined look on his face. "Excuse me, my friends and I seem to have a dilemma. While I wouldn't normally expect a girl as attractive as you to work in a store like this, by the GTA wristband you're wearing, I'm sure you'd agree with me that this game--" he held up one video game box. "--is better than this one." He stated confidently. You blushed after his compliment but then replied just as smoothly "I'm afraid you're wrong. I would have foolishly agreed with you if I hadn't purchased both games, and learned the hard way. The first one is glitchier than an intoxicated teenage girl and has terrible graphics." The boy stepped back, an awed look on his face as his friends joined him at the counter. "Woah, never seen anyone get Michael speechless over a game he was so adamant on," one of the boys, with black hair, said, clapping his friend, Michael, on the shoulder. "Well, um. Well, I guess we'll just take the second one then." You smirked as you bagged the purchase from him and they left. Not nearly ten seconds later Michael bounded back into the store. "Um, would you maybe, sometime. Um. Wanna play this with me?" He sheepishly asked, holding up the bag. "Sure, just call me." You said. "But...I don't have your number." You smiled. "Yes you do, I wrote it on the receipt."


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