#6 Bad Dreams (song preference)

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This preference is based off of the unreleased song "Bad Dreams," written and performed by Calum Hood :-).

A S H T O N (HIS P.O.V.)

You look so beautiful

No one but me knows you're insane

I feel so damn pathetic

My friends just don't get it

I watched you dancing with your friend in the musky nightclub, admiring the way you looked in your tight black dress. For a minute, it was almost possible for me to forget just how insane you actually were. Images of our drunken fight followed by steamy revenge just hours earlier flashed through my mind. I buried my head in my hands at the bar. I felt so damn pathetic, but I couldn't help but keep loving you. I felt a hand clap on my shoulder. I looked up to see a sweaty, slightly tipsy Calum. "Come on man, why aren't you out there with Y/N? She's fire tonight, bro!" I rolled my eyes. "God no, I can't stand her," I groaned. Calum coughed awkwardly. "Hate to remind you, but she is your girlfriend, mate," he said as he sat in the stool next to me. "Yeah," I sighed, staring at the pint in front of me. I couldn't even drink it. "What, do you not like her anymore?" Calum furrowed his brow, clearly just as confused by my ever-changing mood as I was. "What? No! That's the whole fucking problem, I'm so goddamn in love with her!" I exasperatedly spit out before my head returned to its previous position in my hands. Calum just shook his head at me. "I have absolutely no idea what goes on in your mind, but it sounds like hell. I'm gonna go try and have some fun, okay?" I nodded and let him walk away. Not surprising he walked away, none of my friends ever got it. Hell, I didn't even understand what was going on with me.


C A L U M (HIS P.O.V.)

Cause you've got me under oath

Before you I was in a fucking rut

One day you are in the past

That night I ask you back

I wake up with the image of Y/N's tear-stained face from earlier in the night fresh in my mind. I roll over and put a pillow over my head, trying to block out the memory. "I just...I can't. I can't be with you, Y/N." I told her somberly. She stared at me wide-eyed. "Calum...I just don't understand. I don't get what I did to make you stop loving me." Tears welled up in her usually bright eyes. "Trust me, it's just better this way." I said before walking out the door of her apartment. I had only broken up with her because I thought that she'd be better off without me. I was leaving for tour soon, and I didn't want her to have to go through that. I'd been so stupid, and this morning I was filled with regret. I sat up and looked at the clock beside my bed. It was only 3:00 A.M., but I knew that if I didn't fix this right now, there would be no hope. I got in the car and started driving towards her apartment complex. I got out of the car and headed into the building. As I stepped out of the elevator onto her floor, my heart jumped. "Calum?" She asked, her finger hovering over the down button on the elevator. "Y/N." I had a feeling she was planning to come to my apartment and do the same thing I was about to. "We suck at being broken up," she said, a small smile playing on her lips. "Maybe we shouldn't be broken up then," I said "I'm so sorry," I continued, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug. "I didn't mean anything I said last night, Y/N. Before you I was in a fucking rut, and I do not want to go back to that. Please tell me I can have you back." I let her go and hopefully looked into her still puffy eyes. "If you'll have me," she said, before I pulled her head up and attached her lips to mine.


L U K E (HIS P.O.V.)

You've got me feeling strange

Cause I love to hate you so damn much

But I can't think of leaving

Cause you're what keeps me breathing

"Damn it, Luke!" She slammed her fist into the kitchen counter, sharply wringing it out in pain afterwards. "What, Y/N? What is it now? Why is everything I do always wrong?" I asked the infuriating girl in front of me. Stupidly, we'd tried to make this relationship work after hating each other for years. Some habits were hard to break, especially our habit of fighting all the time. "YOU'RE SO FRUSTRATING!" She took a step towards me, fisting the fabric of my shirt. Her face was inches from mine, and I couldn't help but take the opportunity to press our mouths together. "God, I hate you so damn much," I exhaled between heated kisses. "Fuck you," she replied, but didn't fight me off. After a few minutes, we both pulled back and tried to catch our breath. "I don't really hate you," I admitted from where were were stood leaning against the kitchen counter, breathing heavily and inches apart. "I know," she said. "Luke...why don't you ever leave me, when we fight like that?" She asked, not quite meeting my eyes as she looked up at me. "Y/N, when I even just think about what would happen to me if I left, it gets so hard to breathe. I panic, because Y/N, I don't hate you. In fact, I'm so in love with you it scares me," I finally admit, then realize what I've just said. "You don't have to say it back," I look away from her sheepishly before she turns me around by the shoulders and places a gentle kiss on my lips. "Luke, I'm in love with you too," she smiles slightly. "Oh," I say and let out a relieved sigh. "But I still hate you," she jokes. I can't help but smile stupidly as I say, "I hate you more."


M I C H A E L (HIS P.O.V.)

It started out just harmless fun

Now you've got me thinking you are the one

She rolled over in the late morning light to look at me. "Morning," she grinned, yawning lazily. "Morning," I returned and tried not to look into her beautiful eyes or pay attention to how the color of her hair changed slightly in the sunlight. "Last night was fun," she said, wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Sure was," I sighed and got out of bed. "I'm gonna go have breakfast." I told her without turning around before making my way to the kitchen. I frustratedly banged my head softly against the wall a couple times and exhaled in defeat. Had I known I would fall for her, I never would've agreed to this whole friends-with-benefits thing with Y/N. To her, I'm pretty sure it was all just fun and games, no strings attached. But for me there were so many strings attached, I was practically a fucking puppet. "What are you doing?" I heard Y/N ask as she padded into the kitchen. I turned from where I had still been standing with my nose pressed to the wall. "Just...thinking," I responded, and mentally kicked myself for noticing how good she looked with messy bed hair and nothing but my t-shirt on. "You sure?" She asked, arching a perfect eyebrow at me. "You've been acting so weird this morning, Michael." "It's nothing, I'm just tired I guess," I lied. She seemed to believe me because she then cheekily joked, "Someone keeping you up last night?" "You could say that," I tried to laugh along with her. God, I am so fucked. I thought as my ears could hear nothing but her melodic laugh filling my kitchen.


A/N:Oh my god, I love this song so much. If you haven't heard it, I urge you to go youtube it right now. Calum is a brilliant songwriter. All Calum feels aside, I hope you enjoyed this! If so, please vote and drop a comment! You can also find more from me on tumblr at smartassluke :-) Requests are OPEN both here and on Tumblr!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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