#4 Hey There Delilah

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Hey there Delilah

What's it like in New York City?

I'm a thousand miles away

But girl, tonight you look so pretty

Yes you do

Times Square can't shine as bright as you

I swear it's true

"So how's New York today? Still too many people?" your boyfriend Ashton asked over the phone, knowing you'd been having a hard time coping with the crowds of your new city. "I think I'm learning my way around and stuff, so that's good. I can walk to work now without having a panic attack," you said, only half-joking. "And I guess I'm making friends, I'm going out tonight with this girl who works in my office named Maria," you said into the phone. "That's great, y/n! I bet you look so pretty tonight," he said. "I do not," you rolled your eyes. "Yes you do," he cheekily answered. "Well thanks then, babe." You laughed. "Have you been to Times Square yet? You wouldn't shut up about it before you left." "Oh my god, it's insane. It's so big and so bright," you said. "Bet it can't shine as bright as you," he said, and you could hear the cheeky grin on his face. "Shut up, Ash." You laughed. "I swear it's true," he said. You suddenly felt a pang in your heart, missing that grin so much.



Hey there Delilah

You be good and don't you miss me

Two more years and you'll be done with school

And I'll be making history like I do

You'll know it's all because of you

Hands trembling, you dialed Calum's number, not caring that it was 2 AM. "Hey, y/n!" He answered happily. "I miss you so much," you whispered instead of returning his happy greeting, as another tear ran down your cheek. "Y/n, y/n shhhh. What's wrong?" He asked, a sharp contrast to his happy tone from before. "It's just, I was trying to write this paper for class tomorrow and I just couldn't finish it and then I started thinking of you and...I miss you," you said in between breathy sobs. "Don't miss me, y/n, we'll see each other soon," he said comfortingly, a pang in his chest as he wished he could be there to hold your hand. "But then I'll have to leave again and go back to school. It's just so hard," you said. "Just two more years, y/n, then you'll be done with school. And of course, I'll still be making history like I do," he joked. You smiled and laughed slightly into the phone. "There's my girl," he smiled. "And no joke, it's all because of you, I love you so much," "I love you too, Cal." you said. "Good. Now go to sleep, I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?" "Okay."



Our friends would all make fun of us

and we'll just laugh along because we know

That none of them have felt this way

"Aww, look at that, y/n and Luke are so cute!" Michael mockingly squealed as he, Calum, and ashton entered the tour bus. You and Luke had just been cuddling and talking and enjoying each other's presence while the other boys were out getting lunch. "Ah, shut up," Luke said, tossing a pillow at Michael's head as you giggled quietly. The three other boys looked at each other before saying simultaneously "GROUP CUDDLE!" and piling on top of you two on the couch. "Ouch, get off, you fat-asses!" Luke grunted, and attempted to push his friends off onto the floor, somewhat succeeding. "Isn't that what you two were doing before we came in here, getting off?" Calum joked, followed by an uproar of laughter from Ashton and Michael. "We're just preventing teenage pregnancies!" Ashton added. "Ha-ha," Luke said sarcastically. "Now seriously, get out," "Fine, fine, we'll leave you two alone then. Just remember, safe sex is the best sex!" Michael said before the three boys scurried out of the bus. "Sorry," Luke apologized, wrapping his arm around your waist again. "It's fine, they just don't know how this feels," you said, resting your head back on his chest contentedly.



A thousand miles seems pretty far

But they've got planes and trains and cars

I'd walk to you if I had no other way

"A thousand miles, Michael. That's how far away we are right now," you said into the phone. "Wow, that's way too far," he said wistfully. "I can't wait until I can see you again," you sighed "I can't wait either. In fact, if I could I would get on the next flight back home right now," he said. "There's no way you would get away with that, you'd feel way too guilty," you joked. "I don't know, y/n, I'm kind of a badass, remember?" "Sure, Mikey." You laughed. "I'm not kidding! If we weren't a couple continents away, I'd be there in a flash. I'd walk if I had to," he promised, seriously. "I know you would," you replied. "I love you, y/n." "Love you too, you little badass,"

A/N: Hey guys! So it would mean the world to me if you left a comment telling me what you thought and voted! Also, my tumblr username has changed from death-by-5sos to smartassluke, if you wanna check out even more preferences on there. Also requests are open both here and on tumblr!!!



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