#3 "What Are You Doing Here?"

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As you stepped off the plane and made your way through baggage claim and customs, you looked for the sign with your name on it. Eventually you found a man holding up a sign that said "Y/fn Y/ln" and when you got to him you recognized him as one of 5 Seconds of Summer's security guards. He led you outside, where a black SUV was parked. You hopped into the back seat, where Calum was sitting on his phone looking bored. "Y/n!" He looked up when you entered and you pulled him into a hug. "It's so good to see you!" You told your boyfriend's band mate. You were surprising Ashton for his birthday in England, where they were currently touring. He had no idea you were coming. You had asked for Calum's help on getting you into the venue where they were performing. You thanked Calum once you got there, but then went to find a place to hide. You snuck backstage to watch part of the gig, but returned to the coat closet you were hiding in before it was over. You sat looking at your phone, because you knew you could expect Ashton's nightly post-show phone call any minute now. As your phone began to ring, you answered. "Hello?" "Y/n!" Ashton's still-excited-from-performing voice greeted you. You could hear the excited voices of the other boys. "How was the show?" You asked him and stepped out of the coat closet into the hallway outside the boys' dressing room. "Oh my god, it was great!" He shouted over the raucous noise in the room. "What? I can't hear you," you lied. "Hold, on let me step into the hall-" the dressing room door opened, and you looked at Ashton with a huge grin on your face. He shoved his phone in his pocket as quickly as possible and ran over to you, pulling you into a giant bear hug. "I missed you," you said softly. "I missed you too, so much," he said, attaching his lips to yours. After a few minutes, he pulled away and asked. "Wait, what are you doing here?" "Happy birthday!" You squealed as he pulled you into another tight embrace. "Best birthday present ever."


You were interning at Capitol Records over the summer, and you were having the time of your life. You had been assisting one of the major producers at the label. Even though you mostly just sat in on meetings and got him coffee, it was worth it. Moving to America was a big step for you, but you were happy to move away from all the drama in your life back in Australia. Today, you were busy filing some papers when your boss walked in. "Good morning, y/n. I'll need you in the conference room in 15 minutes. We have a potential client coming in," you nodded and finished up your filing before heading towards the conference room. You still had about five minutes, so you were surprised to hear voices already coming out from the room. You walked in to see what the noise was about, and your heart froze. You cleared your throat awkwardly and tried to avoid eye contact with the black-haired boy joking and laughing with his friends. "Can-can I get you boys anything?" You asked, turning slightly and hoping he wouldn't recognize you. "No, I think we're fine, thank - y/n?" Ashton asked. Calum's head snapped up at the mention of your name and you gulped as you made eye contact with your ex-boyfriend. "What are you doing here?"He looked just as shocked as you, but you didn't have time to say anything before your boss walked in. "Great, you're all here. Let's begin," he said. You sat and took notes throughout the meeting, trying very hard not to brush your arm against Calum's, as his mates thought it would be a good idea to make him sit next to you. You failed though, and every time you felt his skin on yours you shuddered at the intensity and felt a pang in your heart. After the meeting was over, you tried clearing your stuff up as quickly as possible. "Can we talk? Please?" Calum asked, not waiting for an answer as he pulled you into a secluded corner of the office building. He cupped your face with his hands and pressed his mouth to yours. You gasped, but didn't pull away for a few minutes. "I've been wanting to do that since that morning I woke up and you were just...gone." He told you and your heart broke. "I had to leave, I'm so sorry," you couldn't look away from his sad eyes no matter how much you wanted to. "Why didn't you just tell me you were moving to America? We could've made it work!" He protested. "No we couldn't have, Calum. You were in Australia and I was here. Different hemispheres," you reminded him. "We can make it work now," he suggested. "You're probably getting on a plane back to Australia in a few hours, it won't work," you sighed. "Actually, now that we have our record deal here, we'll be in LA writing songs for a few months. And the first thing I'd like to do is take you out for dinner," You smiled and shook your head at yourself. "Okay." You said, and he smiled the biggest smile you'd ever seen.


You hummed to yourself quietly as you fumbled around for the key to yours and Luke's flat. You set the grocery bags down on the counter and called out "Luke?" to no reply. You trudged up the stairs, from where you could hear a whispered argument. "Shit, just...go out the window, I don't know," you heard Luke's hushed voice say followed by the sound of a zipper, and your heart plummeted to your stomach. This couldn't be happening again. "Luke, I am not jumping out of the window," a female voice that you had grown to hate responded. "What are you doing here?" you asked in a monotone voice, stepping into the bedroom, as the too-familiar girl finished buttoning up her blouse. "Actually, don't answer that. I know what you were doing here. Fuck you, Luke," you said numbly and turned slowly out of the room. You kept waiting for the tears, but they wouldn't come. "Y/n, wait, nothing happened, I swear!" Luke's voice followed you. He caught up to you and put a hand on your shoulder, turning you around. "It would've happened if I hadn't come home when I did," you replied dryly, shaking his hand off you. Luke looked at you and gulped, frightened. "Why aren't you mad?" He asked quietly, acknowledging his mistake as the brunette relationship-ruiner left through the front door. "Oh, I am. So fucking mad. But I'm also done. This shouldn't have happened again, Luke. You said you would never do it again. And I know it's happened way more than the two times I've caught you," you said, disappointment seeping through every pore in your body. "Y/n! I'm so sorry, I love you so much. I'm so, so sorry. It won't happen again," the last of your walls tumbled down as the all-too-familiar phrase dropped from his lips. "Damn right it won't!" You said, slamming your fist down on the granite countertop where the innocent groceries still sat, then wincing in pain. "It won't happen again, because I'm never coming home to you fucking another girl again! I'm never coming home to you at all ever again!" A hot tear finally escaped from your eye. He opened his mouth to defend himself, but you stopped him. "No, Luke. No. I'm leaving. I'll be back to get my stuff later. Just...don't." You brushed past him, wiping the few tears from your face with the back of your hand, and into the hall - into a future without him and the pain he had repeatedly caused you.


You raised the microphone stand up to your proper height and said into it, "Check 1, 2, 3. Check 1, 2." When the sound man was satisfied, he gave you a thumbs up. You went backstage and began tuning your guitar as the crowd filed in. You were so excited. This was the first gig you had booked outside of your home town and you couldn't wait. You heard excited voices in the audience and that alone was enough to put millions of butterflies in your stomach. You pulled out your phone to text your boyfriend, Michael. About to go onstage. So nervous I'm about to pee myself. I wish I was kidding. you pressed send, and began pacing backstage. There were a few crew members working out last minute details with the sound and lighting, and you tried to stay out of their way. Your phone dinged with a reply from Michael. Don't be worried. You look hot ;) "How would he..." You began to wonder out loud, before you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist. You turned around, face to face with your currently green-haired boyfriend. "Michael! What are you doing here?!" you squealed with excitement. "Surprise! You know I wouldn't miss this for the world, babe." You grinned as you felt all your nerves slip away."Five minutes until you're on, y/n," the stage manager said as she hurried past you. "Guess I better go find my seat," Michael said as he pecked your lips. "We still have five minutes," you reminded him, pulling his head back down and reattaching your lips to his. When it felt like only seconds had passed, you heard the stage manager call out, "Thirty seconds!" "Walk me to the stage?" You asked, grabbing Michael's hand after picking up your guitar. "Of course," he obliged. Once you were standing in the wings, he pressed a kiss to your forehead and said, "Good luck, beautiful. You're gonna kill it," before scurrying off to his seat. You heard your band starting the first few bars of the first song you were playing and ran onstage, your previous nerves completely forgotten.

A/N: Oh my god, Luke girls (that would include me lmao). I am so sorry. I actually cried a little writing that. Also sorry, I got a little carried away with Cal's. I never really mean to make a particular boy's longer or shorter than the others, it just kind of happens. So if it seems like your fave's is always longer or shorter, it's completely by chance. I just kind of take the inspiration and run with it. It would mean the world to me if you guys left a comment and voted!


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