💛 Chapter 1 - Start of a New Middle School Year 💛

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I opened my drawer beside my bed and pulled out a necklace. I remembered my mom telling me to wear it wherever I go so that I would know who to interact to. I never actually got what she was trying to tell me, but if it's going to help me everyday then I'll wear it. Without a doubt, I immediately wore the necklace and changed to my uniform and headed school.

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice from the distance. "Hey! Rantarou! Over here!!!" There it goes again. I turned around and saw my best friend, Seitaro. I met him when 2 years ago, we got along quick. We're now 5th graders. Things might start being different now since we're almost approaching high school. For now, I would like to finish elementary, having fun with him.

Oh, sorry! I have not introduced myself yet. My name is Rantaro Amami, 10 years old. Uhmm... nothing special has happened to me yet so there's not much to say about myself. I can tell you about my friend, Seitaro though. Well, he has been there since he transferred to the school I'm in. Surprisingly on his first day there, he already made new friends and he was the one who inspired to me to do the same. I wanna make people happy. I want to be there when they're in pain. I want to be the one who would take care of anyone else.

Seitaro is looking at me differently. He looked surprise when he found out that I wore my mom's necklace today. Actually, it's the first time I wore this necklace. I'm kind of happy that I did, it also somehow makes me feel a little safe.

"So? What's special about the necklace, Rantaro?" He asked while we were walking in the school grounds. "My mom said that it glows colors according to how people think or feel about you. She also said to never take it off once I wear it or else something bad will happen." I briefly explained.

Honestly, I'm very excited to know what others think about me but at the same time scared if I'm ready to know what they think about me. Is this necklace a blessing? A curse?

Thinking too much made me unaware that I crossed the street with the stoplights green. I felt a strong pull force from my hand. It was Seitaro, pulling me back to the sidewalk. "What were you thinking? You could have gotten hurt, you know?" He already got mad at me on the first day, well it's kinda my fault. "I-I'm sorry, I was thinking too much about something." I replied and noticed that my necklace was emitting a color.

We continued walking once the cars stopped then started chatting again. "You know, you should be more careful especially when you're alone." He told me over and over. Not looking at him, I nodded. I was looking at my necklace which was glowing a color YELLOW. What does that mean? "Hey! Are you even listening? I care about you, Rantarou. You're really a troublesome kid." He said while shaking me. "Pfft- as if you're not troublesome yourself." I replied and slightly laughed. Seitaro looked away, embarrassed and I laughed at him.

He cares about me? When he pulled me from the road, my necklace slightly glowed yellow. Does that mean yellow means that that person cares about you? Well, I'm quite glad he does.

We reached school after all the things that happened. We went straight to the school grounds to attend the school year's first ceremony. We're now inside our classroom before we know it. Then the teacher arrives, but someone else was with her. I kid with a different uniform. He has blue hair that is covering his right eye and he's wearing a cap which covers his... whole face plus he's looking down so technically we can't see his face right now.

"Okay, class! Please say hi to our new transfer student." Our teacher caught the attention of the class and let the kid introduced himself.

"Uhh... H-Hi, My name is Shuichi... Shuichi Saihara. It's nice to meet you all." He shyly said and slowly bowed down.

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