Zhu Ran x Reader - Pandas

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Since I'm so infatuated with this guy I'm going to start with him! ^-^

Dynasty Warriors AU, Pandas, fluff and OOC Zhu Ran ^^

Edited by my sister ^^


Zhu Ran, a cocky and confident male, who happens to be the person who introduced fire attacks to his close friend, (a/n: soon to be bride xD) (Y/N).

(Y/N) took an interest at the fire attacks Zhu Ran introduced her to, as much as she wants to learn, she's not confident enough to think that she might actually successfully do those fire attacks and for some reason, she's also distracted by her two-stringed instrument, erhu. 

(Y/N) was so distracted on what song she's going to play on her erhu, she even didn't notice Zhu Ran waving his hand in front of her face, impatient Zhu Ran decided to poke her side, unexpected, she lightly jumps from her sit, chocked on her saliva and quickly turned her head towards Zhu Ran.

"HUH! Oh! Sorry Master Zhu Ran" (Y/N) said "Hehe... Is something wrong, (Y/N)? Your mind is in another world again" Zhu Ran said as he goes closer to (Y/N). "I'm fine, Master Zhu Ran just wondering what song I should play in my erhu..." (Y/N) said "Really? I thought it was another one of your 'I can't do these fire attacks' thoughts" Zhu Ran said, chuckling.

(Y/N) pout with her arms crossed to her chest "Hehe... Cute" Zhu Ran said while patting (Y/N) "Well since you aren't listening to me why not just play a song for me?" Zhu Ran said "are you sure Master Zhu Ran? I-I'll listen, I-I'm really sorry" (Y/N) said and bowed until her forehead touches the wood where they were sitting on.

Zhu Ran smirked (a/n: -shit eating grin //slapped//) and lift (Y/N) face up to him "Just get your erhu..." Zhu Ran said, still smirking.

Flustered, (Y/N) quickly stood up from her sit and went out of Zhu Ran's chamber to get her erhu. (a/n: whoops! I forgot that the place Reader and Zhu Ran are in his chambers xD)


(Y/N) went back to the chamber with her erhu but didn't see anyone inside.


A voice called out and suddenly someone covered her eyes and mouth

(Y/N)'s voice were muffled through the intruder's hand, she struggled around a lot and accidentally hit the intruder in the pelvis (a/n: ouch...), the intruder lose their balance and fell on top of her "OOOWW!!!" A voice shouted 'Master Zhu Ran?!?!' (Y/N) looked up at the person on top of her, who has a pained expression while looking down at her "Master Zhu Ran! I'm so sorry!" (Y/N) said motioned her head down with her arms crossed over her head.

"(Y/N)... T-That was a g-good h-hit..." Zhu Ran said in silent agony (a/n: lol wat? xD) "Oh my!!! I'm so sorry!!" (Y/N) said with an apologetic tone, even though she was close to laughing so hard, she sat up straight and grab Zhu Ran's face "Sorry...." (Y/N) apologized again, but with a grin "Stop saying sorry..." Zhu Ran said with a grin "let's go..." Zhu Ran said, standing up, grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and went to the place their about to go.

(A/n: how many times did (Y/N) said 'sorry' in this story? I feel like the only word she said is 'sorry' xD)

Zhu Ran got over with the pain while they went to the hills (a/n: where the pandas are ^^) with (Y/N) "We're here!" Zhu Ran said "Here in the hills, Master Zhu Ran?" (Y/N) asked, while Zhu Ran nodded.

Two pandas went to the both of them, "Aww!" (Y/N) squealed, she gentle put down her erhu and picked up the baby panda "Master Zhu Ran, aren't they adorable?" (Y/N) said while holding the panda close to her face "Of course they are... Like you" Zhu Ran said look at the panda.



"Are you okay?"

Zhu Ran shifted his gaze at (Y/N) who has a concerning look "Um... Yes?... Why?" Zhu Ran said "it's just that you've been saying flattering words to me and it kinda concern me a bit" (Y/N) said "I know your cocky and all but you are not the type of person who flirts a lot" (Y/N) added.

Zhu Ran put down the panda, made his way to (Y/N) and embraced her

"I guess I'm terrible at hiding my feelings, huh"

(Y/N) felt the warm embrace and embraced Zhu Ran back with one arm while the other one still holding the panda.

(Y/N) looked up at Zhu Ran admiring how his dark hair glowed with the setting sun, how his eyes looked at her like she's the only person in this world to see.

Zhu Ran lift (Y/N) face close to his and kissed her "your lips look lonely..." Zhu Ran said and smiled at her.
"Yifeng, can you let go for a minute?"

Zhu Ran looked down and felt the panda tapping his stomach area "oh... Sorry!" Zhu Ran said, Zhu Ran lead (Y/N) to a nearby tree, sat her down, gave her the erhu and laid his head to (Y/N) lap with two pandas on top of his stomach.

(Y/N) started playing a song in her erhu.

'Now this is what I called a red passion.'


Btw a warning for a one request that I have so twisted360 requested a yaoi...Um... I'm going to be honest I didn't expect someone to request yaoi since this book is only a  x Reader (and I forgot to put that in the story description) so I'm giving some opportunity for only 5 request for a Yaoi and Yuri one-shots of character x (the same gender) reader, I'm really sorry for not being specific...

P.S: I'm listening to Zhu Ran's 2 character songs BURNING!!! and Red Passion. It sounds so good!!! (ಥ﹏ಥ)

~[+Tania Kurusu+]~

[Dynasty Warriors One-shot] x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now