Part 1

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A.N heyy!!! So this is the first fan fiction I've ever written!! It gets better as it goes on, the chapters get longer, more interesting, and my writing just overall improves. Hope you enjoy!!!!🖤🖤🖤

Maybe I'm better off dead! If I was would it finally be enough, to shut out all those voices in my head? Maybe I'm better off dead. Better off dead! Did you hear a word, hear a word I said? This is not where I belong, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone!

Newt turned up the volume to his already loud emo music. He already couldn't hear anyone around him, but he didn't even want to hear his own thoughts. Just the music.

The bus ride home after school was Newt's favourite time of the day. He didn't have to talk to anybody, or do anything. He could just get lost in his music, just like he always did.

He finally got snapped out of his daze when the bus came to a stop. It took him a second to recognize his surroundings, and see that he was at his bus stop. He quickly grabbed his bag, and walked off of the bus.

He turned the volume down on his music and took out one of his headphones when he got off the bus. His mother always told him that it was dangerous listening to music while walking, and he agreed with her. His mom was always very protective over him, and he appreciated that even though it got pretty annoying sometimes.

After walking for only about  a minute, he heard a much too familiar voice yelling his name from behind him. "Newt!!! Oh dearest Newtie!!!"

Oh god, just walk faster, I told myself.

"Newt!!" They continued to scream, looking like a complete idiot. I just pretended like I couldn't hear them, and I walked through my front door without looking back. But once in the safety of my house, I looked out the window, and saw that they were coming up my driveway. So I just locked the door, and went up to my room to start my homework.

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