Part 12

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Newt woke up the next morning extra tired than usual. All the running from the day before was extremely draining on him.

When he got out of bed to go to the bathroom, he almost fell over because of the pain he felt in his right leg. Running yesterday was not a good idea, and he knew it.

It's kind of sad to say, but Newt was used to living with an injury. So he just picked himself up, and limped his way to the bathroom.

His parents were back from their trip by now, and were very worried about Newt when they saw him walking down the hall with his limp extra noticeable.

"Newt? What happened? You didn't go running again did you?" Newt's mother asked approaching him, a worried look in her eyes.

"Yeah, Minho wanted me to try out for track with him. I agreed, which probably wasn't a good idea." Newt said quietly, running a hand through his blond hair.

"Newt, I really don't think track is a good idea. Even if you make it, you should probably not join." She was right. If an hour and a half of just tryouts made his leg this much worse, he could only imagine what three practices a week would do to him. "I know your right mom. I'll try to tell Minho soon."

His mother smiled softly, and gave her boy a tight hug. "I'm so sorry it has to be this way. If I could take your injury I would." Newt didn't respond. He didn't need to. Him and his mother have had the same conversation before, and Newt's response was always the same. Something on the lines of "I know you would, but I wouldn't want you to," or "I love you."

"Alright. You have to go catch the bus soon. But I could drive you if you want?" Newt though for a second before responding. "I actually like taking the bus. Thank you though."

And with that, Newt got ready for school quickly, and walked out the front door to the bus stop.


Nothing that interesting happened that morning. The only thing that kind of threw Newt off was that when Thomas got on the bus, he didn't sit with Newt. He actually sat alone, looking out the window, listening to music. He wasn't even sitting with Teresa, Gally, or any of his other friends for that matter.

Newt thought about going to sit with him, but Thomas obviously wanted to be alone, or else he would have at least said hi.

Thomas has been acting a bit weird though since track tryouts. Almost like he's been trying to distance himself from Newt.

This made Newt a bit frustrated, because he hated when people were mad at him. He had to try and think about what would make Thomas upset, but he couldn't think of anything. There had to be something else.

Remembering back to what Minho said the day prior, he decided to stop worrying about Thomas. They weren't even friends, and they barely knew each other. And so Newt didn't think about it for the rest of the morning.

Now it was fourth period, right before lunch. Today's fourth period was chemistry. Newt completely forgot that Thomas was in that class when he walked in and saw him sitting in the desk directly next to Newt's.

Newt didn't know what to do at first. He kind of just stood there for a second, which him being his socially awkward self made the situation feel even more awkward. He finally got snapped out of it when Thomas looked up from his binder, and smiled at Newt.

Newt smiled sheepishly back, and started walking to sit in his desk.

"Hey Newt" Thomas said happily. Almost like he was never avoiding Newt, or like nothing ever happened the previous day.

"Hey Tommy" Newt said, taking a seat next to him.

"Tommy?" Thomas asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I, uh sorry-"

"No. I like it" Thomas interrupted, still smiling.

"Alright, Tommy it is then." Newt started to feel less nervous as he relaxed in his seat. Apparently talking to Thomas isn't as hard as Newt thought it would be. "So, your sitting here today?" Newt tried to ask casually, but he was actually very interested.

"Oh well I forgives since we're lab partners now, we should probably sit next to each other. Don't ya think?"

What?! Newt was very confused. "Uhh, lab partners? I don't remember ever saying that we were going to be-"

"Well" Thomas cut him off again.

"Well what?"

Thomas now had a slight smirk on his face. "Do you want to be?"

I really hope you are all enjoying this story as much as I'm enjoying writing it!! I'll try to get the next part out tomorrow so keep an eye out!
Have a good night✌️ <3

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