Part 17

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"Thanks again for coming over. I had fun." Newt said to Thomas as they made their way to the front door.

"No problem. I had a lot of fun too." Thomas grabbed his bag, and sat on the bottom step of the stairs as he tied his shoes. Newt sat down next to him.

"You should come again soon." Newt really hoped that he would come over more often. The two boys had a lot of fun together. They played video games, watched a movie, ate way too much pizza, and had many laughs. Newt felt like they have gotten very close. He felt safe, and happy around Thomas.

After tonight, Newt finally felt like they were real good friends.

"Well maybe I'll have to stop by again tomorrow." Thomas said with a small smirk. Newt just giggled at him as Thomas stood up and opened the front door. "I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

"Yep. See you tomorrow."

And with that, Newt went upstairs to his room and collapsed on his bed. He lied there for a few minutes, just staring at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. He was still super happy that Thomas was able to come over. He didn't know why, but that just made him want to spend everyday with him. He loved being around him so much. And when they hugged earlier? That was the best hug Newt has ever had.

After that, he felt kinda creepy thinking about Thomas for so long. So he decided to go take a shower, and go to bed.

*The next day*

Newt woke up earlier than usual. Today he actually felt excited to go to school for some reason. Maybe it was that he was happy that Thomas would talk to him more, or maybe he was just excited for them to hang out again after school.

He got himself ready, ate breakfast, and went on his phone for a bit before he had to leave to go the the bus. He opened up Instagram and saw that he had a new message from Thomas_Green.

Newt instantly smiled after reading his name, and his smile grew even bigger after reading the text.

Thomas_Green: Hey Newtie x
Newt: Hey Tommy xx
                                                       Read 7:24am
Thomas_Green: wanna walk with me to school today???

Newt: Sure! Meet at my house?
                                                       Read 7:24am
Thomas_Green: Be there in ten minutes ;)

A.N. Shorter chapter, kind of just a filler for the next one. I'll try and update again later today with a longer part!
Peace ✌️🧡

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