Part 24

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Newt had his eyes closed, but he could see bright light from the sun shining on him through his eyelids. He felt so warm, and comfortable. Was he in his own bed? He didn't think so. He tried to figure out where he was without moving or opening his eyes, because he was just so comfortable. After about a minute, the sudden realization hit him; he wasn't by himself.

Newt could feel an arm wrapped loosely around his middle from behind, and someone holding his hand. Newt finally remembered what happened the day before, and now knows that it's Thomas in the couch beside him. They must have fallen asleep last night. Newt did have a pretty exhausting day.

Newt opened his eyes and saw the warm sun beaming in through the window. He smiled to himself softly as he rubbed his eyes and stretched one of his arms. He heard a small noise coming from thomas, and slight movement, so he must be waking up.

Newt decided to roll over, and face the tall boy, Thomas' arm staying wrapped around him the whole time. He looked at Thomas for a while, realizing that he might not get another chance to look at his face this closely. He noticed things that he never really payed attention to before. Like the small dark freckles on his nose, or the birthmarks on his cheeks. Thomas also had pretty long eyelashes..

Feeling kind of creepy, Newt looked away from him. And almost right after, newt could see in his peripheral vision that Thomas' eyes were fluttering open.

"Hey Newt" Thomas mumbled.

"Morning Tommy." Newt felt awkward.. "I guess we fell asleep?"

Thomas closed his eyes again, "Yeah. We did. Your couch is pretty comfy."

Newt smiled. "Thanks." Was that even a compliment? Newt thought to himself. He felt silly but hoped that Thomas was too tired to notice or care. "Uh, what day is it today?"

Thomas smiled and opened his eyes to look at Newt, "it's Saturday silly"

"Oh." Newt smiled back. "I'm too tired to remember." Thomas just nodded, still smiling at Newt. "What is it?" Newt asked.

Thomas blushed, but didn't look away. "Nothing."

Newt raised an eyebrow at him but didn't bother asking again. "Do your parents know that you stayed the night here?"

"Oh yeah. I woke up at like eleven, but I was too tired and comfortable to leave.. so I just texted them that I was spending the night. They don't mind." That made Newt wonder. Do Thomas' parents know who I am? What do they think of me? And what has Tommy said about me?

"Hey Newt?" Thomas asked snapping Newt out of his train of thought.

"Yeah" Newt looked up at him.

Thomas smiled. "You're pretty."

Newt could feel his entire face heat up and turn bright red. Thomas jut called him, Newt, pretty? Why? Newt could see Thomas grow an even bigger smile, and he hated how much his words had affected him. Newt didn't know what to say, so he was thankful when Thomas started speaking again.

"Wanna go look for breakfast? Or maybe watch some tv or something."

Newt smiled. "Yeah we should get food. I don't think we ever ate dinner last night." Newt said as his stomach growled.

Thomas stood up and healed his hand out for Newt, gesturing for him to follow. Newt took his hand, and Thomas helped him up.

They both made their ways to the kitchen, and after a long time of looking through and thinking, they decided on making pancakes.

They spent the rest of the day on Newts couch, eating pancakes, popcorn, watching different shows and movies, and just talking with each other, enjoying the warm company.

A.N. Okay so.... I know it's been a while jajkakakak I'm sorry!!!!!
I feel like I say this every chapter.. but like it's true. Sorry I've taken to long.
I know I've also said this every chapter, but I do ACTUALLY mean it this time. I am going to be uploading chapters more frequently, I know there are some of you who really enjoy this story. I'm going to try and get at least one out a week! And this is a PROMISE!!!! I don't break promises, so I hope you're excited!
I'm not really sure when this story is going to end... but I do have a plan for where this story is gonna go/ the rest of the storyline. At the beginning I was just kinda making it up as I went along oops.. but now I actually know what I'm doing!!!!
Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading/voting/commenting! It makes me so happy!!
Sorry this is a long authors note and a shorter chapter... I'll start working on the next one now!! Thank you again!! See ya soon 🤘✌️💕💕💕💞💞💞💓💓💓💓💓💓💗💓💖💖💗💗💗💗

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