Chapter 4-1: Wake Up

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May and Imp were both asleep on the Living room floor. The sun has just started to rise as Imp opened his eyes yawning. He glanced over his side to see May sleeping silently next to him. Her cream fur blending in to the carpet. Imp smiled placing his tail on her back. "Hey May wake up.." Imp meowed nudging her head with his muzzle. "Imp....what..." May groaned placing her paws over he face. "Come on kid wake up.." Imp huffed and nudged her again. "Fine..." May groaned tired raising her head up flexing her claws before sheathing them. Imp smirked placing his head on hers. May smiled as she pushed her head under his neck. Imp got that feeling again but tired to brush it off. He wanted to be happy...he wanted to be with May.

NOTE: Sorry this chapter is so short I'll post the other half of it later on today.

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