Chapter 16: A Dream Or A Nightmare?

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Imp's fur raised up and down with every breath he took. Since Imp was a Reaper he didn't need dream even most Reapers didn't even have to sleep. But Imp still liked to asleep he still felt alive when he did. For years when Imp slept he only saw darkness, only darkness he ever dreamt of anything until now. Imp opened his eyes he was in a lush green forest. His eyes glazed around smiling "Whoa..I must be dreaming..its been so long since I had a dream.." Imp meowed feeling at peace. He padded along a small trail his Crimson-Red fur making him stand out in the green brush. Imp huffed as his ears perked "Why does this place feel..familiar to me.." Imp sighed as he looked around as he walked. His Amber eyes narrowed as he looked upwards too the sky seeing grey clouds start to form. "A storm..? I can make weather occur in my own dream..?" Imp questioned himself. His fur stood on end as he heard thunder boom before he looked at the sky again seeing storm clouds swirl in the air. "I should find someplace to stay out of the storm.." He meowed as his walk turned into a steady trot. Imp knew this was a dream but it felt real very he had to find shelter. He trotted swiftly through the forest feeling rain drops on his fur. "Maybe theres a tree I can hide under" He meowed nervously as he started to run. Imp dashed through the forest his run growing faster evey second he felt like he was running from something but he didn't know what. Soon he was near the end of the woods as he jumped out of a few bushes finding himself in a clearing.  Imp realized what this place was "N-No..not here..anywhere b-but here!" He yowled as the rain started to fall harder on his pelt. Imp started to panic before running across the clearing feeling tired but he didnt care all he wanted was his dream to end. Imp ran to fast that he slipped on his own paws loosing his footing because the grass under him was soaked with water. "A-AH!" Imp screamed as he fell off a cliff hurdling downward towards..water. He landed face first into the cold water before opening his eyes seeing nothing but a deep blue. Imp tried to swim upwards but with the storm raging on the waves pushed him downwards instead. "N-NO!" He screamed but his mouth filled with water instead. Imp's paws grew heavy and his eyesight started to become blurry. "N-No...." He yelled weakly as he gave up his paws stopped paddling.. and his vision turned black.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: So if you didnt know what this Chapter was about it was about Imp having a Dream/Nightmare. Imp doesn't remember a lot about his life when he was alive but he does remember one thing..his death. So in this Chapter we basically have Imp reliving or re-dreaming his death since he fell off a cliff and drowned in the ocean. My theory about Imp's death since Petpyves (Holly) said he didn't commit suicide. That he either was running from something slipped and fell or he jumped into the water too try and save someone close to him. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this Chapter! Stay tuned to see and what happens next.~ ImpTheReaper

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