Prologue: UA Academy's Entrance Exam!

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a/n: I forgot to mention you see a person the same way how Ken Kaneki see Rize in the first season of Tokyo Ghoul. The winner is harem.

y/n pov

I woke up in bed. I look around before getting up. I looked at the calendar to see today is the Entrance Exam for AU Academy. I went to the bathroom, took a shower and got dressed. I look at the mirror to see that my r/l is black and red. Red lines were coming from it and is shown on my skin. I sighed and put on an eye patch. I went to my kitchen and made a cup of coffee. I put a sugar cube into the cup of coffee and let it dissolve. I got the sugar cubes from a coffee shop that is run by ghouls. The place is called :re. The house is quiet as usual. I live alone, ever since my parents died. I walked out of my house.

y/n: Well, it's time to get this started...

I finally arrived to the academy. I started walking down to the entrance of the academy. As I was walking, I heard someone yell 'deku'. I look to see a blonde guy walking towards a green hair guy. The blonde threatened to burn the green hair kid.

y/n: (The fuck is wrong with him?)

I continued walking and headed inside.

Short Timeskip

I'm in a seat in what looks like an auditorium.

???: What's up UA kids!? Thanks for tuning into me! Your school DJ. Come on and let me here ya.

Everyone stayed silent.

???: Keeping it mellow huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how these practical exams are gonna go down. Okay? Are you ready!?

I remember him now. It's Present Mic.

Mic: Like what your applications said, today you'll rockin' boys and girls will be conducting two-minute mark battles in super hip urban settings.

He soon told us what we will be doing and where we are going. Turns out I'm going to section B. After that, I lost interest and spaced out.


Right now I'm at the gates of Battle Center B. I was getting ready, and I notice the same green haired kid. He seemed nervous for some reason. I walked over to him to talk.

y/n: Yo, you alright?

The kid jump and turn to me.

Boy: U-uh yea...

y/n: Look, you don't have to be nervous. I'm sure that they have pro heroes to watch and keep us safe.

Boy: Y-yeah, I know.

y/n: The name's y/n. y/n l/n.

Boy: I'm Izuku Midoriya.

y/n: Nice to meet you Midoriya.

Midoriya: Nice to meet you too y/n.

Midoriya looked around stopped, staring at someone. I look to see who he is looking at to see a girl.

y/n: Ah, I see. You have the hots for her, don't you?

Midoriya: N-no I don't!

y/n: Just go talk to her.

Midoriya: W-why?

y/n: If you don't, I will.

Midoriya: Okay, okay, I'm going!

He started walking to the girl. But he was stopped by a guy wearing a blue outfit and glasses.

Man: Looks like she's focused on the trials ahead. What are you going to do? Distract her and ruin her chance in succeeding?

Midoriya: No no no! Of course not!

I should get involve, but I need to get prepared for this damn exam.

Mic: Right, let's start! Get moving! There is no count downs in real battles! Run, run, run, listeners! You're wasting air time here!

I took off to find robots to destroy.

Short Timeskip

I've been using my kagune to destroy these robots. Just then, the ground shook as a giant robot came up from the ground.

y/n: So this is the zero-point robot.

The robot punched the ground, making strong gusts of wind from the impact. I use my kagune to stay in one place. Everyone started running away, I stayed back.

y/n: Things are getting interesting.

I was about charge at it, until I heard an 'ow'. I look to see a girl was trapped under some rubble. I decided to go and help the girl. Soon, I felt a gust of wind from behind. I look up to see... Midoriya. I ran to the girl got the rubble off of her. I look back up to see that Midoriya took out with one punch, but the punch caused his arm to be broken and he is now falling.

Girl: Set me down on that.

I put her on the robot part. It started to float. As Midoriya was close to hit the ground, the girl slapped him. Right before he hit the ground, he started to float as well.

Girl: And release.

Both Midoriya and the robot part fell to the ground. The girl then vomited. Midoriya started to crawl, trying to find some robots to destroy.

Mic: And times up!

y/n: (Damn...)

Midoriya then passed out. Everyone started to talk about him and how he won't pass.

y/n: How about you all shut up. Where were you when he is trying to save that girl? You all were running, caring for your own lives. To be a hero, you have to sacrifice yourself.

???: Okay, that's enough. You all did very well.

Everyone turn to see an old woman. She's Recovery Girl. Recovery Girl healed Midoriya's injuries.

y/n: (If Pros watched, he's bound to get in.)

Timeskip, A few days

I'm in the living room, watching TV. Soon I heard that the mail is here. I went to check it. It looks like it was from UA Academy. I went back to the living room, turn off the TV and sat on the couch. I opened the envelope and see there was a piece of paper and a circle shaped object. I placed the object on to the table and soon a hologram, and in the hologram of All Might.

All Might: I am here!

y/n: All Might... (So, he's going to be UA's new faculty member.)

All Might: Mr. y/n l/n, you have reached the top three in the practical exam. You helped saved a fellow student and even stick up for another student. You y/n, have what it takes to be a true hero. Even if you are a ghoul.

My eyes widened in shock of how he knows that I'm a ghoul.

All Might: We've known you were a ghoul in a while y/n. All the teachers in UA Academy knows about you y/n. That doesn't mean we don't accept you though. We welcome you to UA Academy.

y/n: All the teachers know... (Okay, this is not what I expect.)

All Might: Now y/n. All the other students don't know about you being a ghoul. You can keep that a secret if you want.

The message was done.

y/n: Shit...

To be continued...

y/n: Now, I have been accepted to UA Academy. It's hard to do the quirk assessment test if I don't have a quirk.

Midoriya: What was that y/n?

y/n: Oh, nothing. Next time: The Quirk Assessment...

Midoriya: Go beyond!

y/n & Midoriya: Plus, Ultra!

A Ghoul at AU Academy (My Hero Academia x Male Ghoul Reader)Where stories live. Discover now