Chapter 1: The Quirk Assessment Test.

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y/n pov

I arrived at school with a to go cup of coffee from :re. I entered the class of 1-A. I see nobody that I know. I looked around and see a desk by the window. I sat over at the desk. I took off the lid, put in a sugar cube, and let it dissolve. I then put the lid back on and started drinking it. I sighed, staring out the window.

y/n: (Yesterday was very eventful. First, I did the exam, then All Might told me that not only he knows, but all of the other teachers at UA Academy knows. Damn...)

???: H-hey there...

I look to see a girl with pink skin and hair, her eyes are black and with amber pupils. It seems like she's blushing a bit. Must be my imagination.

Girl: My name is Mina Ashido.

y/n: My name is y/n l/n.

I continued drinking my coffee while looking out the window.

Ashido: So what kind of coffee are you drinking?

y/n: Why you ask?

Ashido: Oh, no reason.

I took another sip of my coffee. Ashido blushed even more.

Ashido: Okay, well, I'm gonna go.

Ashido walked over to a group of other girls.

y/n: (That was weird)

After drinking the coffee, I threw the cup away. I went to sit back down, but I was stopped by another girl. This girl has long black hair, and she haves some big racks.

???: Hello y/n, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu.

y/n: How do you know my name?

Momo started blushing, knowing that I didn't tell her my name.

Momo: Well, Ashido told me.

y/n: (Makes since I guess)

Momo: So, do you wanna hang out after school or something?

y/n: As in a date?

Momo blushed even more.

Momo: If you want to call it that, sure!

y/n: No.

Momo had a sad look on her face.

y/n: But once we know each other more, then sure. But not right now, we barely know each other, and the only way you know some stuff about me is probably because you're a stalker.

Momo: Okay.

I walked back to my seat and sit down. Right now, a blonde guy and the guy in glasses is arguing. When I look around the room, I notice that some girls were looking at me.

y/n: (Damn... I never get this attention before. If they knew I was a ghoul, they will probably hate me, probably even kill me.)

Just then the door opens to reveal Midoriya. The guy in glasses marched towards Midoriya, revealing himself to be Tenya Iida. I opened my notebook and started drawing in it. Our teacher arrived and introduce himself as Shota Izawa. I know him as Eraserhead. His quirk is to stop another person's quirk, just by looking at them. His quirk is useless against ghouls though. He told us to put on a uniform and head out.

Short Timeskip

Everyone Else: What?! Quirk Assessment test?!

Girl: But, orrutation... We're gonna miss it...

A Ghoul at AU Academy (My Hero Academia x Male Ghoul Reader)Where stories live. Discover now