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Waking up with a dagger pointed at your throat Is exactly as terrifying as you'd think it is.

"Dean." The tall guy nudged the one holding the dagger. The shorter one, the dagger guy, dean, glared at the taller one, "I know, Sammy, I can see her."

My head was pounding, the light only made it worse but when I went to shield my eyes my hands refused to move. They were tied together, along with the rest of my body.

"Look, if you guys are going to kill me, I only ask that you do so quickly." I muttered. "Wait a second, are you aware of what's happening?" Sammy asked me.

"You mean, am I aware that my body has been used as a meat suit, your words by the way, yes, I am totally aware."

He blinked, seeming totally lost for words at first, but his friend took care of it, "Are you okay?" Dean asked.
"No." I huffed. "I am not okay."

Sammy looked sympathetic when he asked, "What's wrong?" I was upset, to say the least, and I guess that's why I snapped at the gorgeous pair infront of me.

"I'm fucking starving! I hurt literally everywhere, I feel disgusting, and above all of that I have no clue as to where I am." I rambled, only to be met with silence. Both boys only stared at me.

I let out a loud sigh of irritation and finally asked, "Could one of you untie me?" But instead they gawked, and my patience was wearing awfully thin.

"Please?!" I snapped. "This obviously isn't the first time you've done this, so what the hell is the matter with you two?!" I seethed.

I felt no remorse regarding the way I spoke to the people who had saved me. I can't help it, I've been told that I'm a very impatient person, and whether I like it or not, that is in truth who I am. And I honestly feel that I have every right to be annoyed right now.

Dean blinked, probably still processing my outburst when he made his move to untie me. "This isn't your first time through this either I take it." Sam asked. "No, it is." I clarified. "Oh?" He pulled his brows together.

"I understand what happened, I know that monsters are an actual thing now, my brain is not the size of a friggin peanut." I sighed. My stomach growled, causing me to frown.

"Since you were both so eager to save me I'm assuming that you're both just as enthusiastic to buy me dinner."

I dusted myself off as I stood. The boys eyed each other, then Sammy looked back at me and nodded, "First, I think we should maybe introduce ourselves, I'm-"

"Sammy, and he's Dean." I cut him off.
"Its Sam." He corrected. "And you are?" Dean asked. "Kylie." I lied. There's no way I'm giving strangers my real name, especially when considering my circumstances.

"Kylie?" Sam clicked his tongue in suspicion. "Yeah," I smirked. "Like Kylie Jenner but hotter in ever way possible." I noticed that Dean gave me a once over and I sent him a wink causing the corners of his mouth to tug upwards.

Sam cleared his throat, "If we're gonna eat then you should probably know that we've been tracking you since Dallas," He informed me. "Well then where the hell are we?" I asked impatiently.

"Somewhere in Virginia," Dean answered and my throat went dry.
"Mystic Falls," Sam clarified. Shit. This is the last place I need to be.
"Kylie?" They must have noticed my sudden silence. "I changed my mind boys. I can take care of myself." I made my way to the door but Sam tugged at my arm.

"Don't be ridiculous," he stopped me. "You can shower here and I'll get you something to wear." He insisted. I only agreed because I was disgusting. I'm covered in blood and I wreak of B.O. there's no way I can go out in public like this. "Fine," I shrug. "But make it quick. I have places to be." I headed to the bathroom, stripping as soon as the door shut behind me.

I stepped into the bath tub and turned the shower on, soaking my hair in the cheap ass motel shampoo. I scrubbed the blood from my skin and watched it slowing get swallowed down the drain, and finally I stood there. I let the water wash over me and for once I enjoyed the silence around me.

"Kylie," I jumped at the sudden knock. "Everything okay in there?" Sam knocked again. "I'm fine," I called back. "Alright well I've got some clothes for you,"

I got out and wrapped a towel around myself before opening the door slightly. "Thanks," I took the clothes and closed the door again. "No problem," I heard him walk away.

"You clean up nicely," Dean complimented when I stepped out. "Thank you," I rushed to the door. "I'm sorry but I really have to go," I ran out before either of them could stop me.

"I'm gonna need a drink." I make my way to the only bar in town for old times sake. I'm only hoping that I don't run into anyone familiar

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